Last night, the Basilica of Candelaria hosted the Fiestas Proclamation in Honor of the General Patron of the Canary Islands, the Virgin of Candelaria. The event was broadcast by Televisión Canaria and united all the islands through the faith professed in La Morenita.
Fulfilling the objective of giving this celebration this regional character, the leading island this 2023 is Fuerteventura and, therefore, the town crier is from there: the renowned timplist Domingo Luis Rodríguez Oramas El Colorao held the position and his proclamation came to the hearts of all the islanders.
“Sin distancia” was the song by Caco Senante and Thania Gil that served as the musical opening, the artists joined their voices and talents for the first time to welcome this act.
Juan Manuel Martínez Corral, Rector of the Basilica and Prior of the Dominican Fathers, warmly welcomed those present and Rodríguez Oramas.
The mayoress thanked the town crier for his assistance and the prior for his predisposition and joint work to bring the Patron closer to all homes and to the greatest number of people possible, in addition, she dedicated a few words to him. “Domingo ‘El Colorao’ is one of the most renowned and important timplists of all time in the popular music of the Archipelago, a Gold Medalist from the Canary Islands and an essential figure to understand the musical culture of Fuerteventura and the 8 islands. Despite all the greatness of his career and his priceless reference for the new batch of Canaries, where Domingo really wins is in the short distance. I would dare to say that he is the canary who has the most friends in each of the Islands, many of whom he has earned around a table, good wine and endless partying”, he said.
candlelight hospitality
El Colorao offered a proclamation that told stories sung in the voice of Candelaria González and Ayla Rodríguez, and also conveyed different anecdotes from residents of the municipality, about the town and its evolution, the environment of the Patron Saint and how it has been configured over the years.
“All these stories and anecdotes help us to understand the affable and hospitable way of being of the candeliero, who has lived behind open doors offering the best to those who come to this Villa Mariana to celebrate the festival in honor of the Virgin of Candelaria and make that all the canaries see ourselves represented in them. They make us feel that the patron saint of the Canary Islands is in good hands. I wish you happy holidays.
With an emotional “Long live the Virgin of Candelaria!”, she ended her speech, which was accompanied by the voice of Candelaria González who sang a partying Isa dedicated to the Virgin of Candelaria.
The act concluded with the musical intervention of Caco Senante and Thania Gil, who interpreted recognized and heartfelt songs such as Nana de una isla, A voz en cuello, La Llorona or Siete rosas.