The Youth House of Buenavista del Norte develops a program of activities for young people between the ages of 12 and 30. Its objective is “to entertain through attractive proposals”. In addition, it revitalizes areas such as Playa de Las Arenas, with the EnPlayate activity, and includes scheduled excursions to recreational spaces such as the Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Siam Park, in Adeje.
The Youth Councilor, Virginia Pérez Romero, points out that this offer is combined with health promotion workshops, in line with the work carried out by Youth and Drug Addiction professionals through the Buenavista Health Lighthouse program.
This initiative has a grant of 6,240 euros from the Insular Institute of Social and Socio-Health Care (IASS), dependent on the Cabildo. Up to now, four workshops have been carried out: laughter therapy, social skills, emotional management and another one on personal development. They have focused on aspects such as self-esteem, emotion management, group cohesion, among other aspects.
During this month the world games workshops (August 9), scape room (August 11), Hip Hop dance (August 17) and self defense (August 23) will take place. Those interested may formalize the registration by going to the Casa de Juventud or by calling 922127328.
Virginia Pérez highlights that «The planning of the activities derives from the demand of the young people themselves, with work carried out through surveys and the contact straight with them through educational centers. The councilor insists that “it is essential to continue strengthening coordination with the centers for the next academic year, it is another indispensable tool and, therefore, we must establish lines of collaboration that will help the planning work of the resources available to the administration in favor of the young people of the municipality”.