He Puerto de la Cruz Town Hall announced this Wednesday, through its social networks, the recommendation of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands so that pregnant women and children under 6 months of age do not consume water in the population residing in Las Arenas, La Asomada, San Antonio-El Esquilón, San Fernando, Taoro, Malpaís and Las Dehesas.
The systematic analyzes of the water quality of these areas, details the Consistory, have revealed the presence of nitrates above the rate stipulated for these groups of people, since the parametric value of 50 mg/l that it establishes is exceeded, with a maximum value analyzed of 53.7mg/l. Likewise, the City Council together with the concessionaire company are studying different measures to solve the situation in the shortest possible time.
For any clarification or additional information that is required, citizens can contact the Aqualia offices or the toll-free customer service number aqualia-contact on 900 81 08 18.