“There is absolute coherence in the organization of the areas.” With this phrase, José Miguel Ruano, vice president of the Cabildo de Tenerife, spokesman for CC and strong man of the government team, settled his dialectical scuffle with the socialist Pedro Martín. Both were soft in form but very firm in the substance of their respective arguments. The president, Rosa Dávila, later ratified what Ruano said.
Yesterday’s plenary session gave an account, among other things, of the new organization of the government team, with the appointment of vice presidents, area councilors and special delegations.
Pedro Martín, socialist spokesman, stressed from the outset that there are three men at the head of the vice-presidencies, “with which the parity that existed in the previous term is broken.” He also considered that there are “duplications”, since he understands that several directors “are dedicated to the same thing”, something that the spokesmen for CC, José Miguel Ruano, and for the PP, Lope Afonso, who jointly defended that the organization chart responds to the political agreement between these two parties.
Martín’s reference to the previous mandate was answered by Ruano with the phrase “we must talk about policies and not about people who are no longer there.” Martín defended his freedom and ability to bring this issue to the political debate. Rosa Dávila also rejected the existence of any type of duplication and highlighted the importance of the new area of Prevention for Education. It will be managed by the doctor and mayor of Santa Úrsula, Juan Acosta, and is “especially relevant for young people and adolescents.” Especially in relation to problems that stand out at these ages such as high suicide rates.
Another of Pedro Martín’s criticisms was focused on the separation of the area of Highways (Eulalia García) and Mobility (Dámaso Arteaga) because “one cannot be understood without the other”. José Miguel Ruano categorically denied that separation and affirmed that Highways is within Mobility.