The Auditorio de Tenerife hosted this Monday the opening day of the fifth edition of ‘Encuentro de los Mares’, a congress that combines gastronomy and fishing promoted by the Cabildo through the Fishing and Tourism areas and organized by Vocento Gastronomia, making the island the new venue for the only event that links science, gastronomy and fishing.
The Vice President and Minister of Tourism, Lope Afonso, inaugurated the first day of this congress, acknowledging “the great work of all those who have made this event possible, from cooks to scientists”, making a special mention of the fishermen, “who They are the ones who make it possible for the product to go from the sea to the plate”.
Afonso stressed that it is “very important” to position Tenerife as a reference destination in relation to the gastronomy-tourism pairing, since it is a “successful model”, something that was endorsed by the president of the Vocento Group’s Gastronomy division, Benjamín Lana, who highlighted “the high level of chefs, scientists and the fishing industry that participates in this congress, which seeks to raise awareness about the conservation of the oceans, as well as understanding gastronomy as a tool to try to transform the world”.
After the inauguration, a round table was held in which chefs and fishermen highlighted the importance of communication between both sectors to achieve a product of excellence, collects a note from the Cabildo.
As representatives of the fishing sector, Roberto Rodríguez (manager of Artesans da Pesca, from A Coruña) and Adán Romero (fisherman from the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Consolation from Punta del Hidalgo, Tenerife) participated in the table.
On land, and in front of the kitchen, Andoni Luis Aduriz (Mugaritz, Errentería), Erlantz Gorostiza (MB, Tenerife) and Aitor Arregi (Elkano, Getaria).
The working group addressed the need to care for the environment and marine resources, something that Carlos Duarte, Professor of Marine Sciences at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology of Saudi Arabia, also insisted on, who called for “more ambition in protective measures and recovery of biodiversity”, and along these lines, he said that “there is only one way, to make investing in nature profitable”.
In this regard, the financial economist and co-founder of Blue Green Future and Rebalance Earth, Ralph Chami, assured that “it is essential to understand the service that nature does in caring for the planet.”
The only chef who has been present in all the editions of ‘Encuentro de los Mares’, Ángel León, reviewed the work that ‘Aponiente’ has developed this season, based on the use of marine waste.
Also taking part in this first day was Quique Dacosta, who spoke about salting as one of the culinary techniques he has researched the most, while Cristóbal Muñoz, from the ‘Ambivium’ restaurant, focused his presentation on showing various food preservation techniques.
The Portuguese chef Rui Paula also showed, during his participation, all the possibilities offered by a product, in his case, hake.