The president of the Pico del Inglés-Casas de la Cumbre Neighborhood Associationin anaga, Fulgencio Ramoshas denounced the traffic problems faced by the residents of the towns in the area and visitors who circulate on the road that crosses the mountain the mercedes, due to the fact that the vegetation and the branches of the trees invade, in some points, the road, which is already narrow. Specifically, the problems occur when the large buses that travel on this road are forced, in certain sections, to occupy part of the opposite lane to avoid colliding with the vegetation or branches attached to the road, which sometimes invade part of the road
“You can’t drive on the road, we have to stop and get closer when a bus comes,” denounces the neighborhood representative, who explains, in this regard, that there are branches “that collide with the buses” when driving so close to the vegetation, producing scratches on the vehicle or breaking side mirrors. In addition, to this we must add that many trees are dry and branches fall onto the road, “especially when there is wind,” said the neighbor, which also worries them especially on these dates of high temperatures and risk of fires.
Fulgencio Ramos also criticized that “the ditches are full of rubble” and that the side lines of the road “cannot be seen, because they are full of brambles and ferns”, which also causes the narrowing of the road even more.
Likewise, the neighborhood representative indicated that many of the bus stops do not have canopies and that others, in addition, “are attached to the road and people cannot stand” in them because they either invade the road or have to get into the vegetation.
Therefore, the Cabildo, the competent administration of this road, is requested to put more operators in the area so that there is a greater and better maintenance of the vegetation and thus avoid these circulatory problems, as well as to improve the bus stops. “The money that has been allocated to the Anaga Rural Park is for people to benefit, because you can’t see it,” he denounced.
From the Cabildo de Tenerife they responded that they would transfer the incidents to try to resolve them as soon as possible.