donkeys and mulesamong other animals, such as a camel, oxen or native breed dogs, took over the town of La Laguna yesterday, in celebration of the XVII Night of the Donkeyswithin the framework of the festivities in honor of San Benito, and organized by the Association of Livestock Farmers of Tenerife (Agate), with the collaboration of the City Council, from the Department of Fiestas.
The forecast was that this Small Pilgrimage, so called for several years, would start around 7:00 p.m., but its start was delayed until 8:00 p.m. to try to avoid the high temperatures due to the heat wave.
Children and adults enjoyed the presence of animals in the historic center, together with the emblematic Carro de San Benito and folkloric groups, in an edition that this year included a special tribute to the palmera sheep.
This traditional parade was born to exalt the figure of the donkey, an emblematic animal for the primary sector, “and to attract children and families to learn about the animals we have and the work that is done with them and the recovery that we are doing” , explained yesterday the secretary of Agate, Santiago Cacho.
The tour started from the Plaza del Adelantado, to later pass through the streets of La Carrera and Marqués de Celada, Lucas Vega avenue and, lastly, Embajador Alberto de Armas avenue, where live music and a toast to the attendees.
The mayor, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, thanked Agate for his involvement in this event, “which serves to unite all the Laguna generations around a native species such as the donkey, which has been very present in the history of this municipality and which lives a delicate moment due to the decrease in its census and its consequent risk of disappearance”.
“With tonight, what we have tried to do is to publicize and make visible the native breeds that we have, which are all in danger of extinction,” said Santiago Cacho. “This year we pay homage to the palmera sheep, there are probably less than 200 specimens left,” he continued explaining. We are trying to see if we can bring 10 or 12 specimens to the Island and have a center here to be able to recover them”.
All the curious and interested will be able to see these specimens, and many more, at the Casa del Ganadero, which is currently hosting the Tenerife Agricultural and Livestock Island Fair, organized by Agate, with multiple activities for everyone.