The Cabildo de Tenerife, through the Municipal Cooperation and Housing area, has awarded the works to renovate the sewerage network in Valleseco, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, for 2,350,000 euros. The item will be financed on a multi-year basis, from 2023 to 2025, at 50% between the Cabildo de Tenerife and the Santa Cruz City Council.
This has been announced by the insular president, Pedro Martín, who stressed that after years of waiting “the neighbors will see the commitment to solve the problem of the current pipelines in the town fulfilled.” “A historic demand from the population that is finally coming true,” he said.
Pedro Martín explained that the project contemplates the complete renewal of the sanitation network, the installation of a separate rainwater network and the replacement of the water supply network. In total, it will cover eleven streets in the center of Valleseco: Reverend Onésimo, Juan Silvestre, José Batán, Manuel Lomo, Pedro Delgado, Antonio Saro, Enrique Lara, Rafael Soto, Escaleras Barranco, Peatonal Barranquillo and section 1 of Fernández Vega. In addition, a flood spillway will be built to discharge rainwater and avoid overloading the town’s main sanitation collector.
In said road network, 569 meters of rainwater network will be built; 1,279 meters of sanitation network and 2,625 meters of supply network.
Pedro Martín stressed the importance of the works “so that the population can have these public services in modern and safe conditions.” The current sanitation network consists of concrete pipes, which are very old and present numerous loss problems that affect adjacent homes. In addition, because the existing network is unitary, manholes also have overflow and leak problems. , also affecting neighboring houses. “The planned action will provide a solution to these problems in the area,” added Martín.
Regarding the sanitation network, it will be completely replaced with 315 mm diameter PVC pipes, and the household connections will be connected to the wells by means of 200 mm PVC pipes. For its part, the supply network will consist of 63 mm diameter high-density polyethylene pipes, installed under the sidewalks and pedestrians.
The expected execution period for the works, included in the 2018-2021 Municipal Cooperation Plan, is 24 months. Once all the networks are installed, the pavement will be replaced.