The mayor of GuimarGustavo Pérez (CC), signed the decrees for the allocation of municipal government areas that form in agreement with the PSOE and with United Yes We Can. The councilor maintains a structure similar to the one he managed during the last two years of the mandate, with slight changes.
In the distribution carried out, Airam Puerta assumes the first Tenure of Mayor, Territorial Planning and Urbanism, Beaches and Coasts, Environment, Heritage and the concessionaire companies of Water and Cleaning of Municipal Dependencies.
Nayra Caraballero, second deputy mayor, manages Procedures for Citizen Participation, Agriculture, Rural Development and Rural Tourism.
Haridian Martín is the third and is in charge of the management of Commerce, Youth, Education, Childhood and the Agency for Employment and Local Development.
The fourth is José Miguel Hernández, as well as Social Services and Equality, Economy and Treasury, Tax Management and Traffic Sanctions, General Administration, Internal Regime, Governance, Municipal Archives, Municipal Registry and Human Resources.
Juan Delgado is the fifth deputy mayor with Works and Services, Cleaning Services and Waste Collection, Gardens, Pest Control Service and Cemetery.
Blanca Alicia Lorenzo, the sixth deputy mayor, is in charge of Animal Health and Welfare.
The seventh deputy mayor is Javier Eloy Campos, Councilor for Culture.
Patricia Encinoso assumes Parties, Transportation and the Municipal Consumer Information Office.
Cándido Gómez maintains Sports, Citizen Security and Road Signage.
María Luisa Campos Magüi is responsible for Community Dynamization, Senior Citizens, Canarian Identity, Cultural Heritage and Library.
The municipal government of Güímar arises from an agreement reached last Friday signed by Gustavo Pérez, Airam Puerta and Naira Caraballero, heads of the list of Canarian CoalitionSocialist Party and United Yes We Can.
However, the Popular Party was the winner of the municipal elections. Its nine councilors, together with the five from the Canary Islands Coalition, another five from the PSOE, the mayor of United Sí Podemos and the councilor from Nueva Canary Islands, Carlos Llarena, make up the plenary session of the Güimaraero City Council for the term that has just begun. The nationalist Gustavo Pérez will be the mayor during the four years, according to the pact signed.