The Popular Party (PP) presented this Tuesday at the entrance register of the Granadilla de Abona City Council, in Tenerife, a letter addressed to the municipal secretary where it was communicated the opening of a file of suspension of public office and suspension of affiliation to the party of the elected councilors Marcos Antonio Rodríguez and Bianca Cerbán Hernández, who are asked for the minutes as councilors.
As the Diario de Avisos announced and Canarias Now has been able to confirm, the agreement was taken by the Committee of Guarantees and Rights of the Popular Party in the Canary Islands and now the two filers, who are not willing to deliver the minutes, can appeal to the same national committee.
From the PP they point out that the two councilors have acted “unilaterally”, without counting on the decision-making bodies of the party, as established in their statutes. “They have skipped the island management committee, which is where these types of agreements are established,” say official sources of the formation
The expulsion file is the consequence of having voted last Saturday in favor of the socialist Jennifer Miranda so that she would be mayor, when the party’s indications were to reach an agreement with the CC and make the nationalist José Domingo Regalado mayor, who would obtain the majority adding the two Vox votes, to formalize a tripartite government.
Marcos Antonio Rodríguez and Bianca Cerbán, despite the fact that CC had already accepted that the two popular ex-councillors who were in their ranks (Marcos and Yanira González) resign from the minutes, as Marcos Antonio Rodríguez demanded, they ignored the indications of their party and finally They maintained in the plenary session on Saturday the pact that they had already signed days before with the Socialists.