The Central Electoral Board rejected this Thursday the appeal filed by the Popular Party (PP) of La Laguna against the results of the elections on May 28, as confirmed by the leader of the ‘popular’ lagoons, Ana Zurita. This allows the constitution plenary session to be held on Saturday at 11:00 a.m. and the distribution of mayors to be maintained.
Specifically, the conservative formation filed an appeal to try to add a fourth councillor. As will be remembered, in the elections last May 28 the Socialist Party (PSOE) obtained 10 mayors; Canarian Coalition (CC), 8; the PP, 3; United We Can (USP), 2; Drago Verdes Canarias (DVC), 2, and Vox, 2.
The conservative party had already announced in recent days that would not initiate a contentious-electoral procedure and that it would abide by the pronouncement of the Central Electoral Board.
Meanwhile, there is still no agreement in the Laguna City Council and the formula that seems most viable is the takeover of Luis Yeray Gutierrez as minority mayor.
The leaders of USP and DVC, Rubens Ascanio and alberto rodriguez, have called a joint press conference for this Friday in the Plaza del Adelantado “in reference to the government pact of La Laguna.” The call sent this Thursday adds that “the situation regarding the negotiations regarding the government agreement in the San Cristóbal de La Laguna City Council will be analyzed.”