A total of 2,318 Canarians aspire to enter certain temporary staff employment lists in the Corps of Teachers, Secondary School Teachers and Specialists in Singular Sectors dependent on the Ministry of EducationUniversity, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Canary Islands. Participants will take the written test this Saturday, June 17, at 8:00 am. The exam will consist of answering a multiple-choice test questionnaire, as stated in the bases of the selection procedure.
The venues for the exam development are distributed among seven islands, and both Tenerife and Gran Canaria They have two each. In this sense, Gran Canaria is the island where more people have signed up to take this exam. In Gran Canaria there are 1,022 applicants -that is, 44%- who will take these tests. To take the exam, they must go to the centers designated for the test, which are the IES Poeta Thomas Morales (applicants who are between the surname Abolafia Blanes up to Luzardo Herrera) and in the Perez Galdos (Those who do it from the surname Machado Lallave to Zabalo Manrique de Lara).
In the tenerife island, for their part, 989 people are examined -42%-. They will do it in the HEIs Viera and Clavijo (from the surname Abad Fortuny to Huertas Lucena) and in La Laboral (from Ibánez Álvarez to Zemlianova). In Fuerteventura there will be 100 people, who will be examined in the HEIs Port of Rosario; Meanwhile in Lanzarote there will be 135, in the IES Blas Cabrera; and in La Gomera 15, who will attend the IES San Sebastián de La Gomera.
Likewise, in The iron The assistance of four participants is expected, who will carry out the test in the CEP El Hierroand in The Palm there will be 53, which will be transferred to the CIFP Virgin of the Snows.
This call includes a total of 12 specialties. Among them are English, French, German, Therapeutic Pedagogy and Hearing and Language of the Teacher Corpsas well as those of Mathematics, Latin and Greek, Economics, Electrotechnical and Automatic Systems, Electrotechnical Installations and Computer Systems and Applications, of Secondary, as well as Maintenance of Body Vehicles, of the Specialists in Singular Sectors.
The objective of this measure is to guarantee the continuity of the public education system, since the number of people included in certain lists is insufficient, for which it became necessary to convene this selection procedure urgently, so as to enable the incorporation of candidates for the appointment of this interim teaching staff.
Likewise, it is established that, in the face of any scenario that may arise and even without a resolution that puts an end to this procedure, the appointment of teachers who have submitted their requests for participation can be made, mediating the appropriate provisional ordering of the participants, in accordance with to the bases, and the prior verification of compliance with the qualification requirements, pedagogical and didactic training and others required by the regulations.