Canarian Coalition You don’t want to waste time facing General elections. The electoral calendar is tightening and the party, although it continues to bet on forming a great nationalist alliance in which New Canary Islands, yesterday presented its bets for Congress and the Senate. The nationalist deputy Maria Fernandez will lead the plate to the Lower House for the Las Palmas province and Beatriz Calzada will go as number one to the Upper House. This decision distances NC from being part of the “broad nationalist front” since those of Roman Rodriguez Until now they maintained the negotiations under the requirement that the candidacy be headed by an “independent person”.
“We hope that NC also supports this candidacy for unity and we are willing to make sacrifices, but we are not going to wait until the last minute for an independent that we do not know who he is,” the insular secretary of the Canary Islands clarified yesterday. Gran Canaria, Pablo Rodríguez, after the Insular Political Council in which the proposals for candidacies for the General Elections were approved. The elected deputy did not completely close the door for NC to put a name on the table in the next few hoursbut he insisted that he will have to be “better than Maria.”
According to Pablo Rodríguez, both Fernández and Calzada are “the best option” to face the challenge that “the Canary Islands have a voice in Congress and the Senate” in a context in which the environment “will be hostile and polarized.”
same program
The possibility of running in alliance to the General Elections arose last Friday after the two large nationalist formations were unable to reach an agreement to repeat the 2019 coalition formula. But the option of joining under the CC, with an independent candidate, the same program and a joint campaign with electoral posters and propaganda that includes the logos and names of the other formations.
The initiative, although complicated from the beginning, left the door open for understanding and negotiation. The last movement took place yesterday, when Nueva Canarias raised the Fernando Clavijo the possibility that they were the ones who brought together the candidacy for Las Palmas, leaving CC the leadership in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Request that Pablo Rodríguez rejected yesterday.
“That’s not going to happen. The strength of CC in this province is not inferior to that of NC. This scenario does not make sense and instead, they do not have any presence in the western province, “said the insular secretary of CC de Gran Canaria. The deputy-elect acknowledged that the unit must be made from “generosity”, but insisted that his formation would not renounce the progress made in the eastern province.
Other parties
In addition to NC, Coalición maintains contacts with other formations such as United for Gran Canaria (UxGC), Together for moganCitizens for Change (Ciuca) and Assembly of Neighbors of Saint Matthew (Avesan). As Pablo Rodríguez explained yesterday, the talks will continue this week with the parties and it is intended that before Friday the Manifesto for the defense of the Canary Islands to be able to finish defining the candidacies before the end of the deadline to present them next Monday, June 19.
The objective, as explained by Pablo Rodríguez, is for the other alliance formations can include candidates on the charts. «We are going to have all the generosity with all the parties so that they feel comfortable and adhered to, “clarified the nationalist, who defended that even the party has left the second position on the Senate list “vacant” to be occupied by a person proposed by the rest of the “Canarian obedience” organizations. The list to Congress is also open since from CC only Fernández has been proposed for number one, but there are still seven positions to cover.
be on the lists
UxGC precisely met yesterday to decide the future of the party for 23-J. After a meeting that lasted more than two hours, the Board of Directors finally decided to support the electoral alliance proposed by CC with other formations, “whether NC goes or not”. Even so, the president of the formation, Lucas Bravo de Laguna insisted that “he would like the front to be as wide as possible.” Although it is not yet clear who will make up the list, the UxGC will demand that there be party candidates on the list. “We have achieved more than 18,000 votes, the logical thing is that there is representation,” said Bravo de Laguna yesterday when leaving the meeting.
From ASG they assure that the party has not summoned the management bodies to decide what to do and there are no open conversations with any party to support other candidacies. In principle, those of Casimiro Curbelo they will only attend the Senate and independently. For its part, the Agrupación Herreña Independiente (AHI), although it will also present its own candidacy for the Upper House, will support the list headed by CC to Congress for the western province.
The insular CC committee in Tenerife already proposed last Saturday the former Minister of Employment, Social Policies and Housing during Clavijo’s term (2015-2019), Cristina Valido, as a candidate for the formation of the Congress of Deputies for the province of Santa Cruz of Tenerife. For the Senate, Jonathan Domínguez, spokesman for the nationalist group in the La Laguna City Council, and Gladys de León, number two on the list for the Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Council, have been proposed. All proposals must be ratified by the National Political Council, the highest body between Congresses, which will meet today in Tenerife. An hour and a half before the National Executive Committee will meet.
Weeks of tug of war
CC and NC have spent almost two weeks trying to understand each other and forget their differences to reach an agreement that allows them to go hand in hand to the general elections. None of the formations escapes that together the possibilities of achieving representation in the Congress of Deputies are multiplying, but the requests from both sides have complicated understanding. The problems due to the “unity of the vote” and the differences when choosing the candidates who would head the plates blocked the negotiations and prevented the registration of a coalition similar to that of 2019 last Friday –the deadline date. CC did not want to repeat what happened four years ago when the parties presented contrary votes in the investiture of Pedro Sánchez. The only red line for NC would be to support a government of which Vox is a part. | ACE