More than a hundred agents from different security forces will ensure safety in the main acts of the main festivals of the Villa de La Orotavawhich are held in honor of Corpus Christi, San Isidro and Santa Maria de la Cabeza. The local government (CC) and the rest of the administrations, entities and bodies involved are finalizing all the details these days so that the celebration takes place without serious incidents. The Local Safety Boardchaired by the acting mayor Francisco Linares (CC)served to detail the entire security device together with the Local Police, the Civil Guard, Civil Protection and the Red Cross.
Acting Security Councilor, Narciso Perez (CC)He said that the meeting paid “maximum attention” to the different devices and the different action plans for these dates. He valued the effective coordination that is created each year between the different bodies, as well as “the exemplary functioning of the Local Administration Operational Coordination Center (Cecopal)“key for any immediate or urgent action, as well as for the proper development of each act safely.”
Pérez also highlights “the general good behavior of residents and visitors, since these are days when thousands of people attend the Villa and various mass events take place. Throughout the big week, from June 12 to 18, Some 200,000 people are expected to pass through the Villa». In addition, he recalls that all the members of the security device will act in a coordinated manner so that the intervention and response is as effective and fast as possible.
The town council has relied, one more year, on Red Cross, to offer health support to all events. There will be a field hospital in Dona Chana Cultural Parkfrom Wednesday 14 to Sunday 18 June, day of the pilgrimage of San Isidro. The medical post will have the capacity to care for 30 people.
The presentation of the wine harvest has a maximum capacity of 6,500 attendees
One of the most massive events will take place on Wednesday the 14th with the Presentation of the Harvest of Wines of the Denomination of Origin Valle de La Orotavawhich will take place one more year in Mercedes Pinto Avenue. In this event it is expected to have 6,500 people, to which will be added several thousand more people who will come to the Villa to enjoy the great Corpus Christi carpet in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento on the eve of the Infraoctave of Corpus Christi. For this day, an operation has been designed that will not only be aware of the interior of the enclosure, but of the exteriors and of the entire center.
The broad device of agents will also be maintained on the day of the carpets, the magician’s ball, the day of the cattle fair and the Subida de los Santos and the Sunday of the pilgrimage. On that day, the carts will be uncoupled, as last year, towards Obispo Benítez de Lugo avenue, as it is a wider and safer space than the road that was previously used.
Francisco Linares appreciates the work that all the emergency services are going to do, “because this coordination is essential so that we can all enjoy our festivities safely, and so that our neighbors and those who visit us these days can have fun with peace of mind on these dates long awaited.” The Security Area reinforces information of general interest with notices on all official channels: the corporate website ( and social networks such as the Twitter accounts @CECOPAL_Orotava and @LaOrotava, and Facebook (Press City Hall La Orotava).
The municipality has also arranged the extension of the closing hours of the bars and restaurants of the municipality on those festive dates. An exceptional measure included in a mayoral decree.