The candidate of Unidas sí Podemos for the Cabildo de Tenerife and member of the Autonomous Citizen Council of Podemos Canarias, has admitted this Thursday the “unmitigated defeat” and the “bump” registered in the elections last Sunday for which he has urged, face to face to the Generals, to close a joint candidacy around the Sumar movement.
In an opinion article entitled ‘Altura de miras’, he has identified the “general rise of the right and ultra-right” throughout the State as the causes of the electoral disaster of the purple coalition; the presence in the Canary Islands of a “competing force”, which did not want to be part of the confluence and divided the vote of the transformative space -in reference to Drago Verdes Canarias- and own mistakes by not knowing how to arrive “convincingly” at the citizenship.
“We presented ourselves to more institutions than ever: the Canary Islands Parliament, councils and almost half of the town halls. And we have not achieved the objectives set for either Parliament or the councils, in addition to losing presence in the town halls, in some even all of them”, details.
Now, “without time” to assess the results, he regrets that a new “emergency calendar” is imposed on them that forces them to reach agreements “without consideration.”
“Learning from what happened and recovering quickly is the duty we face, since the unequivocal message of the public is that they want to see us together and strong, to feel represented and to be excited again as they did eight years ago and four years ago,” points.
According to Marrero, what will be decided on July 23 is to “continue in a modern democracy, with all its defects and imperfections, or return to savage neoliberalism, to lose rights and freedoms and to totally weaken the Welfare State.”
Therefore, it indicates that the objective is to “consolidate a government of state progress” and with a greater presence of the “transforming forces”, which requires the presentation of a unitary candidacy on the SUMAR Movement platform and, at the same time, with that same confederal character, “to strengthen and expand the already existing confluence in the Canary Islands with all those organizations that want to be part of said platform”.
In his opinion, “the threat of going backwards in rights is there, labor, economic, social, feminist, political, climate justice rights continue to be questioned by ultramontane right-wingers, who promise to repeal everything, and in the face of this ruthless attack , of setbacks and attacks on the public, of privatizations and loss of rights, of endangering democratic values, we have an obligation to stop the right and not take a step back.”
Along these lines, he states that “the only way to do it successfully” is to attend the elections to Congress and the Senate together and “learn from what happened” in order to build a confederal space in which the different organizations “can feel comfortable , without the need for anyone to lose their identity”, with state coordination but also “taking autonomous decisions” from each of the territories.
Specifically, it is about articulating “a wide space, without corsets” where work can be organized based on “assembly and participatory democracy” in each place.
Marrero also insists that this new period “is a collective task where personalities do not fit.”
“We are all necessary and no one is essential. The candidates are due to the project and the social contract, the program, which is signed with the citizens. Program, unity and coordination in a common space of confluence. In short, height of vision” , details.