Escolástico Gil (IR-Verdes) will continue as mayor of El Rosario. Last Sunday he obtained 4,322 votes at the polls, which translates into 9 councilors and his first absolute majority. “The first time we applied, we understood that there was another way of doing things and that perhaps we could influence local politics”, he recalls about the beginnings of a political project that has now reached its zenith.
What feelings have the elections left you?
For twelve years the neighbors put me in the opposition and for eight years, at the head of the municipal government. Something change. The municipality, in its majority, and with more than 49% of the votes, has given me the absolute majority to govern. From the coast to the mountains, or from the mountains to the beach, I have been supported uniformly.
He stayed 27 votes behind the tenth councilor. That’s a few streets…
Not even a street: there are three or four houses. Many people got confused, made a mistake or voted wrong by mail. This type of thing that happens in the elections and that in the end costs you a councilor. I think he had it. It’s a shame because we were very excited that a boy like Eric Díaz Domínguez, who is a worker and a student, would be mayor. But the D’Hondt Law is like that and, even having obtained 1,000 more votes compared to the last elections, we only have one more councilor, with 4,322 votes.
What balance does it make?
A positive balance, because it was my dream, after so much work, for my team to be recognized. I think that this has been a boost to our politics, work and way of doing things. Citizens have not responded to siren songs.
He said that he has had global support. But were there better results at the summit than at the coast?
The power of the vote from the upper part is noticeable. We must not forget that at the table where I live and in the next ones I had majority support. The percentage was very high, 60%. On the coast, where there is a different citizenship, they unanimously supported me for my work.
Was achieving an absolute majority your political dream?
The first time we applied, we understood that there was another way of doing things and that we might be able to influence local politics. Yes, it was a dream to achieve support and an absolute majority in such a special municipality and with two ways of seeing things. The citizenship of the new urbanizations of the coast is not the same as our voters of the whole life of the town. It is an honor for me to have the support of the entire municipality. My thanks to every single member of the campaign team. They have explained our program and the effort made over so many years. Without media support, only with words, effort and work, we have achieved an absolute majority before political and economic machines such as the PSOE, the PP, CC and Vox itself.
On the other hand, the PSOE does not raise its head in the municipality. How have you seen it?
The PSOE has dropped a lot in votes, although it has maintained the councillors. He has reaped what he has sown during these four years, with lies, harassment and complaints in the courts.
Enter Vox. What do you think?
This is a democratic system and a party that does not believe in it enters, but democracy is like that. If he enters it is because they have voted for him and must be respected. I hope you respect the institutions and other ways of seeing things.
What are the main objectives for the mandate?
Everything that we have put in the electoral program, which is long. I want to thank the government that has run the Canary Islands for the dedication to this municipality, for the large investments that have been committed and that really are already in the budgets and that are going to give this municipality a change, as they have been told. given by the Cabildo de Tenerife between 2015 and 2019.
What projects will be the main ones?
The recovery of the old town, the visitors’ building of the Bosque del Adelantado, the plaza plan, the Tabaiba beach front, El Sino street, sanitation…
How have you seen the insular and regional scenario?
In the insular scenario, there is a high probability that there will be a conservative pact with the CC and PP because the policies of President Pedro Martín were not correct, and some decisions have been very controversial, such as allocating funds to the municipalities of his party. Regarding the regional, I regret that the Vice President of the Government, with the great economic work that he has done, does not enter the regional list. But democracy is like that: sometimes it gives us and other times it takes away.
Has Sánchez’s electoral advance surprised you?
Sánchez has made a mistake by polarizing the local and regional elections and intervening in them. He has been a mistake by the campaign committee and his advisers and he has been forced to call an election because he has no other way out.
28M results
Consult in El Día the results of the regional elections, council elections and municipal elections in Canary Islands and Tenerife 2023: