A 50-year-old man of Russian nationality has drowned on Benijo beach, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, as reported by the Emergency and Security Coordination Center (Cecoes) 1-1-2.
The event occurred around 5:40 p.m., when the 1-1-2 operating room received an alert indicating that there were three people in distress at sea who were receiving help from some surfers.
Cecoes immediately activated the necessary emergency resources and a medicalized helicopter and ambulance from the SUC traveled to the scene; a GES rescue helicopter; Civil Guard; Local police; members of the Consortium of Firefighters; and National Police.
While the emergency services arrived at the scene, two of the people who were in danger were able to get out of the sea by their own means, while the third was pulled out of the water in cardiorespiratory arrest. Faced with this situation, the health coordinator indicated to the whistleblowers how to perform basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers until the arrival of health resources.
Upon reaching the aforementioned beach, the GES helicopter team continued to perform basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers on the affected person with the application of the semiautomatic defibrillator. Once at the scene of the incident, the SUC medicalized helicopter team performed advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers on him without success, thus confirming his death.
Consortium firefighters moved the body of the deceased to the road where the judicial authority took charge of it. The Civil Guard secured the area for access by emergency resources and guarded the body until the arrival of the judicial authority. The Local Police collaborated with the emergency services and the National Police activated the judicial protocol.