The ten fishermen’s associations of the Island can opt during the next twenty working days to the annual aid of the Cabildo for the maintenance of the artisanal fishing of Tenerife for a total value of €140,000. The grant was approved last Tuesday in the Governing Council. The insular Councilor for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Javier Parrilla, influences to assess the impact of the extent to which “the fishing activity keeps more than 350 boats operational, in which some 550 people work”
The aid, the amount of which is similar to that of last year, aims to contribute both to boosting the activity of artisanal fishing and to guaranteeing its viability.
Parrilla recalls that “the brotherhoods guarantee the sanitary conditions of the fishing products.” He also values that “they represent the initial tool against poaching, a practice that destroys our economy and environment.” For these two reasons, the island councilor values ”the importance of continuing to boost the brotherhoods and contribute to the maintenance of traditional artisanal fishing in Tenerife.”
Half a thousand families
Javier Parrilla emphasizes that “more than half a thousand families live directly from the fishing activity on our Island, plus many others indirectly.” He adds that “it has an impact on the development of other companies and related sectors such as points of sale and restaurants, distribution, fishing tourism, fuel, boat repair, rig trade or nautical”.
The application model and the bases of the call for aid for 2023 are already available to interested persons at the Cabildo Citizen Services Center and at the Corporation’s electronic headquarters. Likewise, information may be requested through the information telephone number (922 23 95 00), during general hours from Monday to Sunday, from 07:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
The deadline for submitting applications for this line of subsidies will be twenty business days from the day following the publication of the call in the Official Gazette of the Province.
photovoltaic panels
The Cabildo de Tenerife approved this month a Item of 200,000 euros to subsidize the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of the brotherhoods. The objective is improve energy efficiency of the facilities and act on their production costs, especially in those where there are refrigerators and ice factories.
The philosophy of the term that has just ended has been to promote business efficiency and maintain the productive fabric in the sector with special concern for the lack of generational relief. This year, 870,000 euros are allocated to fishing, 22% more than in 2022.
Distributed throughout the geography
The ten fishermen’s associations are distributed from the North to the South of Tenerife in as many municipalities. They are the following: Saint Andrew (Santa Cruz), Punta del Hidalgo (La Laguna), El Pris (Tacoronte), Puerto de la Cruz, Garachico, San Marcos (Icod de los Vinos), San Juan Beach (Guía de Isora), Los Cristianos (Arona), Tajao (Arico) and Candelaria. The brotherhoods advise and guide on the procedures to be carried out such as the daily management of permits, authorizations or other documents to be presented to the administrations. They are also in charge of informing, managing and processing aid, programs and subsidies. In addition, they are the entities authorized to make the first sale of fishery products, a procedure that everyone must go through to be legal before entering the marketing chain. | JDM