Lope Afonso Hernández (Puerto de la Cruz, 1979) is a calm man, someone who transmits serenity, without stridency, but firmly. Facing the elections to the council pIt proposes 180 measures in housing, tourism or employment that are its argument to start the dialogue, even though the insular government has not complied with the popular amendments to support the 2023 budget.
Take a look at the situation Tenerife as of May 2023.
In four years, not everything is black or white, but failure weighs much more heavily than success, and frustration among the public is noticeable. We call it the collapse of Tenerife. Not only on the roads, but also among people, especially those who have to take care of others. We have more than 7,000 who claim a social health place and it is the responsibility of the Cabildo. More waiting list, more demand and less supply. We propose moving from dogmatism to pragmatism and action through crash plans. There is also a collapse when strategic equipment or basic infrastructures do not go ahead. Budget management can be effective or frustrating and the latter has been proven every year with very poor execution.
Mobility. Queues, free and guided transport with the trains to the North and South. How do you see it? What is the PP’s solution to the recurring traffic collapse?
There are solutions to mitigate it but they are not magical or occurrences. The time horizon to increase the kilometers of roads will be extended without specifying a date. In the short term, it is necessary to act with shock measures and free public transport as the axis. The gratuity came in a hasty, disjointed manner and with the bewilderment of the insular government. The volume of users has increased, but on routes that do not contribute to saturation. Free public transport, park-and-ride, modal interchanges in the municipalities to the main stops and involving the taxi. Resolve goes through the big highways and in the longer term through another model, that of guided transport. An integrated and sustainable system that guarantees punctuality. With adequate planning from now on and agility in times with urgent agreements on mobility.
Big pending projects What is your position?
Outstanding due to lack of leadership. We propose an infrastructure plan and a new area of strategic projects. Not having developed the so-called North and South hospitals creates a problem of shortage of places in the socio-sanitary field. Completing the endowment of a minimum portfolio would improve the quality of life of users, would contribute to reducing trips to the Metropolitan Area and would create employment to rebalance the Island. We complain about the inability to move forward with the port infrastructures in Puerto de la Cruz or Fonsalía. We have also lost the opportunity to be leaders in the energy transition. We aspire to that step to later have a renewable scenario.
Public housing in Tenerife, a pending issue?
Slope and serious. Some have hidden behind the fact that they have no powers but the Cabildo has to do with everything that happens in Tenerife. There is a lack of supply, which causes demand to be concentrated. The municipalities have to release land with the collaboration of the Cabildo and guarantees are needed for those who have more difficult access, especially young people. Guarantee for the owner with legal certainty and also for the citizen from his Cabildo. Or a housing policy to put the private park to use.
What plans do you have for him? engine economy, tourism and employment? It seems that there is agreement on diversifying the economy, but the question is how.
Tourism has been the only productive sector that boosted the economy after the pandemic but without guiding criteria or a specific adviser, which we are going to recover. The tendency is to go towards quality to make the destination more competitive. With the improvement of the accommodation floor, the renovation of the public space and a complementary offer of commerce, restaurants and leisure. I reject tourismophobia, the ecotax or the limitation of residence. Diversifying the economy means stimulating productive sectors such as industry, but you need a strategy or your own adviser. Add knowledge with the participation of the university and Dual Vocational Training to unite supply and demand in the labor market.
What is your roadmap for the primary sector?
It was very damaged after the pandemic and without having answers. Comprehensive care is needed for a strategic sector because it provides the landscape it needs and is our pantry.
Social health care for a population that ages in geometric progression.
I have a liberal conception of politics, but where the state should be more present is in this area. More and better infrastructures are needed, well endowed from an administration that guarantees quality services and dignity. The most immediate measure is to agree with the private sector to respond to the demand.
Has the insular government of the PSOE complied with the roadmap for its budget amendments for this year?
No, unfortunately not, and I have very low expectations anymore. It consoles me that with the change of government we will have half a year to comply with them.
Is this support for the accounts an approach to the possibility of agreeing after the 28M Or will the logic of the CC-PP alliance be fulfilled?
An approach to common sense, since, objectively, it is good that the Island has a budget. A commitment to stability and to get rid of Podemos, which has conditioned governance for three years. We propose another way of doing politics and we have no other commitment than with the people of Tenerife.
Does the PP have the key to the governance of the Cabildo?
I offer commitment and responsibility. The citizens convey their trust to me and many people are going to deposit it in the PP as an alternative. Not only from the center-right but as a message of centrality, responsibility and priorities that has permeated. With pride and without petulance, I see myself prepared to face the challenge of being the one to lead the change of politics in Tenerife as president of the council.
How do you assess the survey published by this newspaper?
We will have the results of the best survey on May 28. But the force that is growing the most is the Popular Party and that tells us that we are working in the right direction and interpret the needs of the people of Tenerife.
28M results
Remember that the May 28 You can consult in El Día the results of the regional elections, council elections and municipal elections in Canary Islands and Tenerife 2023: