The platform in defense of valleseco continues with its collection of signatures so that dogs are not allowed to enter the acapulco beacheven though the mayor Jose Manuel Bermudez, has already signed a decree to that effect. From the Platform they fear that this measure has more to do with the electoral period than with the real intention of prohibiting the presence of dogs on the beach, especially because, they recall, “the prohibition it’s temporaryuntil a delimitation is carried out, and what we ask is that the presence of pets is not allowed in All the beach”.
For this reason, the campaign to collect signatures that began a few weeks ago is still in force and already has, among other support, all the associations that have their headquarters in Valleseco. They highlight from the Platform that they also have signatures from associations from other districts, and among the signatories there are both without pets and with them, who understand that Callaos beach is not the best option for them. The platform insists that they are not against pets, just that it is not the best place for them.