The Government of the Canary Islands, through the Vice-Ministry of the Presidency and in collaboration with the Government of Spain and with the services of the regional public company Gesplan, has reopened in Los Llanos de Aridane the care office for people affected by the Volcano de La Palma to attend, inform and assist only in the processing of administrative procedures related to state aid for loss of the first home.
The office is located in the facilities of Casa Massieu, in the municipality of Los Llanos de Aridane. The reopening took place last Friday, May 5, and the service will continue until July 31. The opening hours are from 07:30 to 14:00.
This action is paid for with own funds from the regional budget for this year, 2023, and complies with Royal Decree Law 28/2021, of December 17, which adopts complementary measures of an urgent nature to repair the damage caused by volcanic eruptions and for the economic and social recovery of the island of La Palma, as well as Royal Decree Law 20/2021, of October 5, which has the same purpose.