The candidate of Canarian Coalition to the presidency of the Council of TenerifeRosa Dávila, and the head of the Parliament list for Tenerife, Ana Oramas, transferred yesterday the commitment of the nationalist formation to reactivate the employment and the economy in the South in a meeting organized at the Spring Hotel Arona by the Forum of Friends of the South of Tenerife (FAST), the Círculo de Empresarios del Sur de Tenerife (CEST) and the business platform Tenerife Network.
Dávila and Oramas considered it “essential” for this to “reactivate projects such as the southern train, put the Hospital del Sur at full capacity and provide legal certainty to companies” to generate opportunities on the island.
The meeting was attended by José Fernando Cabrera, Roberto Ucelay and Juan Barrientos, presidents of FAST, CEST and Tenerife Network, respectively.
Rosa Dávila stressed that «It is necessary to reactivate the southern train to improve mobility. The PSOE paralyzed the project four years ago and it is essential to have this infrastructure, in addition to executing the road works that were already planned..
For the Cabildo candidate, it is also essential to “improve the training of our young people so that they have opportunities for the future here”, as well as to attend to the socio-sanitary and educational demands of the South and the need for public housing, in addition to giving a boost to administrative simplification.
In line with what was stated by CC during the meeting of candidates that they held last Saturday, Ana Oramas reiterated her unquestionable support for “reactivate the Tren del Sur, which has been paralyzed for four years”, as well as “put the Hospital del Sur to full capacity and relaunch the Airport of the South”.
Prior to the meeting with businessmen from the region, Rosa Dávila and Ana Oramas held a meeting with the self-employed, an appointment in which they collected the main demands of this group of workers, which are related to taxation and the need to streamline bureaucracy in administrations.