The good thing if brief twice good. Or at least that’s what the head of the company thinks. regional list to Parliament of the Canary Islands by United Yes We Can, Hugo Eyebrowswho is appearing for the first time in a political election and already has in mind that his step through the activity “it will be short”. This was explained by the candidate on Tuesday, who claimed to be unable to see “what he will do in politics in ten years.”
Despite these statements, Cejas acknowledged that “there is always the possibility” that time says otherwise, but the graduate of the double degree in Law and Political Science from the Complutense University of Madrid, a native of Buenavista del Norte (Tenerife), stressed that right now cannot look beyond the May 28 elections.
small goals
The 25-year-old assured that now he only thinks about small goals and pointed out that entering the Parliament of Canary Islands it is something “transcendental”.
The head of the regional list of United Sí Podemos, who works part-time in a sports store and prepares for the oppositions to the Superior Corps of Civil Administrators of the Canary Islands, was accompanied by the number one of the confluence to the regional Chamber for Tenerife , Laura Fuentes.
Eyebrows stressed need for social regeneration, to consolidate feminist and environmental principles, as well as to regulate tourism and address holiday homes and modify the land law so that constructivist logic does not predominate. She also advocated tourism that “is compatible with the territory and with the people”, and opted for the eco-tax as a means to “put the general interest of Canarian society above the interests of the privileged”.
social changes
The candidate was convinced that the regional Parliament will serve to carry out social changes, and pointed out that work must be done against the discredit of political activity, so that, if the electoral results go hand in hand and a progressive pact is reissued, it will be they will have to make “more far-reaching” changes. Cejas assured that his confluence companions have done a great job in Social Rights, although he acknowledged being in favor of delving into this matter, and expanding the presence of United Yes We Can in areas such as tax matters and fishing.