He President of the Popular Party of the Canary Islands and candidate for the Presidency of the autonomous government in the Canary Islands Autonomous Elections 2023, Manuel Dominguezhas affirmed that his training in the Islands “perceives the desire for change demanded by the citizens of the Archipelago” and that in the face of “negligence and disastrous management” of the Torres Executive during the last four years “the PP presents itself as the real alternative of government”.
Manuel Domínguez expressed himself like this in La Palma, during his speech at the act of presentation of the popular candidacy to the City Council of Los Llanos de Aridane, in which the national deputy secretary for Regional and Local Coordination of the PP, Pedro Rollán; the insular president of the PP and Candidate for the Presidency of the La Palma Cabildo, Mariano Zapata; and the former president of the Government and the PP, Mariano Rajoy.
The PP candidate for the Presidency of the regional government assured that, given the serious problems that the Archipelago is going through, “The Canary Islands need a change of political direction; a change that only goes through the Popular Party to reverse the failure generated by Ángel Víctor Torres and his partners in health, housing, social rights or in the primary sector “.
In another order of things, Manuel Domínguez had words of recognition for the work carried out by the comrades of the PP of La Palma during and after the recent volcanic eruptionto: “they have been a great example, and of this the popular family in the Canary Islands and in the rest of Spain feel very proud. It is the most evident sample of the commitment that we acquired with society in very critical moments, of the authentic vocation of service that the men and women of the PP have and how we know how to manage”.
“Mariano Zapata, from the Cabildo, and Noelia García Leal, from the Los Llanos de Aridane City Council, as well as the rest of the public and organic positions of our party on the Island have been by the side of the palmera society in the most adverse moments , showing unity, integrity, nobility and an exceptional capacity for dedication and sacrifice“, highlighted the president of the popular of the Canary Islands.
He added that now that “the media spotlights have gone out, now that the promises of immediate aid for the recovery of the Island and urgently attend to the needs of those who lost everything during the volcanic eruption fade in time, the PP of La Palma continues at the foot of the canyon, giving everything, managing responsiblyhow could it be otherwise, standing up, providing solutions and lending a hand to those who need it most”.
In this regard, the candidate for the Presidency of the Island Council, Mariano Zapata, indicated that they are “people of their word” and comply, and showed his conviction that the PP will be “the most voted force” in La Palma on May 28 :”We have the best candidates for mayor of the 14 municipalities of the Islandto the Island Council and the Autonomous Parliament, where Manuel Domínguez will have the opportunity to demonstrate that another way of governing is possible and that the Islands and their inhabitants have a future”.
Zapata also praised the work carried out by Noelia García Leal and her team of councilors over the last four years, and especially during the volcanic crisis: “I am convinced that she is not only the best mayoress of La Palma or the Canary Islandsalso one of the best in all of Spain, and there is little to say in reference to his dedication and management capacity, which the entire country has witnessed”.
“A real, positive and serene change”
Pedro Rollán, National Vice-Secretary for Regional and Local Coordination, and the former President of the Government and the PP, Mariano Rajoy, agreed to highlight the importance of the upcoming elections for them to take place in the Canary Islands and in the rest of Spain. “a real, positive and serene change”.
Rollán indicated that it will be the opportunity to “give an open letter” to the good and “make an amendment to the whole” to everything that has subtracted in the current legislature: “Sánchez, having the greatest economic and budgetary capacity in the democratic history of our country, far from adding, has failed and far from betting, he has subtracted. For this reason, next month of May we have a unique opportunity to mark a new starting line in town halls, councils and autonomous communities”.
For his part, Mariano Rajoy highlighted the “worth and dedication” of Noelia García Leal and Mariano Zapata: “They have been in the battle doing the possible and the impossible, doing everything in their power and much more. When situations like the one that has recently affected La Palma occur, the authorities must act with generosity, diligence and speed to solve people’s problems, and that’s what García Leal and Zapata have done from the first minute”.
A municipality with opportunities for all
During her speech, the candidate for Mayor of Los Llanos de Aridane, Noelia García Leal, highlighted her commitment to a municipality with opportunities for allin which the agricultural sector continues to be a fundamental piece, together with trade and tourism, “key sectors for the development of our economy and for employment,” he added.
García Leal added that his goal is focused on continue promoting that Los Llanos de Aridane continues to be a benchmark in the cultural field and in sports, and assured that they will work to carry out numerous projects that the neighbors demand, projects that “will allow us to continue advancing,” he said.
Among them, he highlighted the remodeling of the municipal market and the viewpoint of La Montaña, the rehabilitation of the old prison and the residence for the elderly in Los Llanos de Aridane.
Finally, Noelia García Leal announced her wish to “sbe mayoress of all citizens, of a municipality where people are above ideology, leading a team of women and men who have engraved on their skin the commitment to be close to the neighbors and attend to their true needs” “What we have experienced in recent months has forces us to be different, to understand politics in a different way,” he concluded.