The large works already underway on the island roads, where the Cabildo de Tenerife collaborate with him Government of the Canary Islandswill be the solution to the recurring collapse of traffic on the island. This was announced by the president of the Cabildo and insular secretary general of the PSOEPedro Martín, during his visit to the Provincial Federation of Construction Entities (FEPECO). The argument was defended by the also socialist José Luis Delgado, general director of Road Infrastructure of the Regional Executive. Using “mathematical calculations”, Delgado established that when these projects are completed, 80,000 of the 110,000 vehicles that use it every day will leave the TF-5, the Autopista de Norte, forming long queues between La Matanza and La Laguna.
Delgado recalled that the regional government has tendered works and projects in Tenerife worth 360 million in the last four years. Among them, the awarding of the closure of the insular ring stands out. With an Erjos tunnel, about to be completed, “where piecework is done, every day of the year, 24 hours a day in three shifts.”
The final process includes the landscape integration and environmental restoration project for Adeje-Santiago del Teide and the work on the Fañabé false tunnel on the TF-1. This ring closure is one of the three great resources to divert tens of thousands of vehicles from the north to the south without going through the Metropolitan Area where all the traffic converges “one of the mistakes made in the road planning of Tenerife” Delgado pointed out.
The other two fundamental works to end the queues are the variant of La Laguna from Guamasa to the lower part of the municipality (Lora and Tamayo) and the third lane of the TF-5 between Guamasa and La Orotava. Together with the Mesa Mota tunnel and the third lane of the TF-1, the Autopista del Sur, these are works that will involve an investment of at least 800 million euros.
Óscar Izquierdo, the host, stressed that “Pedro Martín has promoted works that have been stuck in Tenerife for 30 years.” The island president, for his part, before the Fepeco associates, stressed his “commitment” to road projects, renewable energies and the simplification of bureaucracy in the administration
Izquierdo stressed: «After four years, we do not only see infographics. Now the projects are announced, on public display, a previous step to go out to tender. He recognized the work carried out on the secondary roads of Tenerife, which he described as the best equipped with Canary Islands.
Martín recalled that when he arrived at the Cabildo de Tenerife in 2019 «There were no highway projects and they have been launched. We can prove it because they are published in official gazettes and on contracting platforms.
He also highlighted the work to multiply the generation of renewable energy. The socialist candidate for re-election advocated making that energy available to companies and the self-employed.
The meeting was attended by the organization secretary of the PSOE Canarias, Nira Fierro, and numbers 2 and 3 on the list of Martín al Cabildo, Berta Pérez and Aarón Afonso.
The PSOE, against antigypsyism
The PSOE of Tenerife promotes an insular strategy for the inclusion of the Roma people and fights against anti-Romaism. The socialist group in the Cabildo raises to the plenary session of April, last in principle of the mandate, which is held this Friday (10:00 am, Plenary Hall) the consolidation of support for the gypsy associative fabric in a motion worked in collaboration with the collectives . The document contains “the recognition of the work of the representative entities of the Roma people of Tenerife for their fight against anti-gypsyism”. It stands out, in particular, “the one carried out by the associations of the Insular Table for their commitment to participation and their leading role in public policies.” The socialist group plans to assume the objectives of the National Strategy for the Social Inclusion of the Roma Population and promote the Insular Diagnosis of the situation and social perception in Tenerife. | JDM