The mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena, expresses his satisfaction at the increase in staff for the Hospital del Sur announced this Tuesday by the Government of the Canary Islandsafter the meeting of the director of the Canarian Health ServiceElizabeth Hernández, with the Plataforma Pro Hospital Público del Sur de Tenerifein which the new Functional Plan was also presented, which will make it possible to expand the portfolio of Specialized Care services after the upcoming expansion works of this hospital infrastructure.
“The reinforcement and hiring of personnel is great news for all the users and patients of Arona and the South region,” says Mena, for whom the announcement “confirms the path of commitment so that the south of Tenerife will have a first-class hospital , at the height of La Candelaria or the HUC ». In his analysis, what was stated by the regional Executive entails “a broader portfolio of services and specialists, with their own human and technical resources so that our neighbors do not have to continue moving to the Metropolitan area”.
José Julián Mena recalls that the region is facing “a commitment for which we have been fighting for decades, and which is getting closer after the project to expand the facilities announced last January by the Government of Canary Islandswhich involves an investment of 40 million euros.
The Aronero councilor highlights the extension of the Day Hospital hours, the increase in surgical activity and the reinforcement of the 24-hour CT service thanks to these new hires, «an improvement in the service that will soon affect the well-being of our neighbors and the population of the South region». Mena also alludes to the new Specialized Care services contemplated in the Functional Plan and planned for the expansion of the hospital, “which will provide the hospital with Intensive Care, Hemodialysis, Endoscopy or Electromedicine, and the expansion of the gynecologic-obstetric surgical block.”