One of the main concerns when traveling with checked bags is that they may be lost, damaged or stolen during the transport process.. This can not only cause great inconvenience for the passenger, but also result in significant financial losses if valuables are damaged or lost in the baggage.
Upon arriving at Tenerife, a woman watched in dismay as her luggage rolled off the conveyor belt, thinking it had been shredded or hit by a plane. The appearance of the luggage was so devastating that the woman was shocked to see it, as it seemed to have been seriously damaged during the transportation process.
The 31-year-old affected woman arrived from London and registered her Osprey backpack valued at around 295 euros at Gatwick airport for its flight to Tenerife South airport on March 24. However, upon picking up her luggage on the islands, she was shocked to find that her backpack was completely destroyed, with every item inside damaged.
The passenger on the EasyJet flight “burst to tears” when she saw her luggage badly damaged and with each of her internal objects destroyed, according to what she told Daily Mail.
Chou Lim reported having experienced a feeling of shock when contemplating the appearance of his backpack, which seemed to have been subjected to a crushing process or to have been run over by the wheel of an airplane. The woman assured that the contents of the backpack were valued at around 1,200 euros, for which she demanded compensation for the damage suffered.
After seeking help at the help desk easyJet at the Tenerife airport, without success, the passenger decided to formalize a claim via the web, requesting a refund of at least 450 euros corresponding to the value of the backpack. However, Chou Lim considered that the actual value of the damages is much higher, so she expects a more satisfactory answer.
An EasyJet spokesman said he was very sorry for the damage caused to the passenger’s luggage and regretted the bad experience she had when she arrived in Tenerife. The company claimed to be investigating the incident with its ground assistance partners at Gatwick and Tenerife airports to determine the causes of the damage and seek a solution.
The episode highlights the importance of proper baggage management during the transport process at airports and on flights, as well as the need for fair and effective compensation measures for passengers who suffer damage or loss of their belongings. personal.
He detailed what he discovered “burnt holes” that they damaged “my clothes and my makeup” and the suitcase was “covered in ash”. “I had used the backpack in 60 countries, they have great sentimental value, and now I don’t have it. She was so broken that I thought she wasn’t even mine.”