Only two companies have submitted to the tender to draw up the draft demolition from the ruins of Anaza hotel. The period ended on April 18, and as confirmed by the Santa Cruz Municipal Urban Planning Management, there are two offers that have been registered. It is a tender with which the bases of a demolition will be set for which a previous study set a cost of 3.1 million.
Once the offers have been received, the first contracting table must now be convened in which it will be verified that the companies that have submitted meet all the requirements and have delivered the corresponding documentation, to then proceed to the evaluation of the offers. The base budget for the tender, taxes included, is 131,000 euros, and the term for drafting the project is five months.
The Municipal Urbanism Management commissioned a previous project to analyze the state of the building, as well as the alternatives for the demolition of the Añaza hotel. The study takes a tour of the current situation of the 21-story building, built in 1973, once Urbanism exhausted the means to locate its owners, and for them to reestablish urban legality. After this procedure, the Management ordered the subsidiary execution that allows the City Council to proceed with the demolition of the property and the subsequent expropriation of the site.
When carrying out this project, a series of conditions must be taken into account. The first has to do with the closest houses, which are located about 75 meters away, on Mayatingo street, built on the slope, and which have retaining walls and variable height, and the stability of the slope is unknown. Being less than 200 meters away, a blast with special characteristics will have to be carried out.
But not only the homes must be taken into account, but also the substandard housing that exists along the coastline. According to the previous study, there are several, three of which are cave-house type that are built totally or partially taking advantage of pre-existing caves. The closest ones are about 25 meters away, and the furthest ones are 85.
As for Mayatingo street, it may also be affected by the demolition, especially if it is carried out with explosives, and it must be rehabilitated after the demolition if necessary. The estimate includes a line item for this case.
Demolition using explosives is recommended by the previous study, since, based on the geometric characteristics of the building and what has been stated in relation to the advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed alternatives, it is understood that the most appropriate work procedure is demolition. through the use of explosives, since it is the one that offers the most advantages.
Another important part of the project is the treatment of waste, which is recommended to be taken, by large trucks, to the nearest treatment plants, in this case those of Montaña Talavera and Montaña Taco.
In the estimated budget for this demolition, only the demolition and waste treatment accounts for half of the three million total. Thus, throwing the hotel with explosives would cost about 500,000 euros, while the loading, transport and treatment of the waste would add up to practically one million. The volume of debris to be generated will be around 40,000 cubic meters.