Canarian Coalition (CC) this Saturday assumed a “firm and clear” commitment to the present and future of northern Tenerife, focused on “moving forward” infrastructures and actions with the aim of revitalizing this area of the Island, given “the abandonment and paralysis to which the PSOE has subjected its neighbors.” Situation attributed to the socialist governments in the Cabildo and in Canary Islands.
This commitment consists of “promoting an authentic and complete” Hospital del Norte, the Tren del Norte, the closure of the Island Ring and the Puerto de la Cruz Dockalleviate traffic jams on the TF-5 Highway, avoid depopulation with the activation of employmentto recover the Ansina programme, to start up 820 social and health care places for the elderly and with disabilities, to reactivate the Puerto de la Cruz Rehabilitation Consortium and to defend the National Park of Teideamong others.
The nationalists lament the <> with the PSOE in the insular and regional governments
Fernando Clavijo, Francisco Linares, Rosa Dávila and Ana Oramas held a meeting this Saturday at the Hotel Las Águilas, in Puerto de la Cruz, with the candidates and candidates for mayoralty in the North: Macarena Fuentes (Los Silos), Berty Padilla (Tegueste), Mariano Pérez (El Sauzal), Vanesa Gutiérrez (La Matanza), Juan Ramos (San Juan de la Rambla), Sandra Rodríguez (Puerto de la Cruz), Carlos Alegría (El Tanque), Francis gonzalez (Icod de los Vinos), Berto González (Garachico), Juan Acosta (Santa Úrsula), Ángeles González (Buenavista del Norte), Isabel Pérez (Los Realejos), Alejandro Herrera (La Guancha), Noemí García (Tacoronte) and Dulce Gutiérrez ( La Victoria) and Linares himself, candidate in La Orotava.
They highlight that unemployment exceeds 20% in the region, more than 50% in the case of youth unemployment
In his condition of general secretary of CC in Tenerife, Linares summarized: «In these 15 municipalities that make up the north of Tenerife are 224,000 people and we have specific health, mobility, education and training needs. Throughout the last four years, these needs have not been covered in a dignified way, “he asserted. Unemployment in the region was estimated at more than 20% –over 50% in the case of youth unemployment–; and he cited mobility as a “very serious problem, but it can be solved”, since in the previous mandate CC left approved “unanimously” and ready to tender the Bus-HOV lane, but “four years have gone by without doing anything”.
Hospital. Fernando Clavijo, who is running for the Presidency of the Canary Islands, assured that the North “lacks the same number of public services and of the same quality as in other regions of this island or in other places on other Islands.” As an example, he gave the Buen Paso Hospital, “which we left prepared and with equipment that is still closed.” He promised to open the four operating rooms, provide the functional testing center with specialties, endoscopies, cardiology and pneumology; cancer treatment, laboratory and acute admissions area, in addition to expanding major outpatient surgery and providing it with a major outpatient surgery unit. “Our commitment is to make the new fishing, sports, commercial and tourist port that Puerto de la Cruz deserves a reality,” continued the nationalist candidate.
Mobility. Juan Manuel Acosta, Lorenzo Dorta, Diana Mora, Constantino Luis and Alejandra Álvarez are the names from the North present on the electoral list for the Cabildo, whose candidate, Rosa Dávila, emphasized mobility as a cause of the region’s youth “losing 60 hours of his life a month” for the withholdings on the TF-5. “Incomprehensible” was the term used to define the refusal of the president of the Cabildo “to discuss the proposals” of CC to combat this problem with “measures that are not foolish, as it has distorted them, but a call for consensus and social involvement that allows staggering the entrance and exit to administrations and large workplaces, increasing school transportation, decentralizing public services, designing a specific proposal for the university community and launching shuttle buses from the north and south to the ULL and the large workplaces.
Greater. Recovering “a flagship program” like Ansina, and complying with the socio-sanitary places that CC left planned in 2019, such as the 820 places in the North -181 for disabilities and 639 for the elderly- are other commitments of Rosa Dávila for the elderly population of the region.
Agriculture. For her part, the head of CC to Parliament for Tenerife, Ana Oramas, assured that the primary sector in the North “today languishes.” In her opinion, “it is sad that all that activity and experience falls into oblivion, that young people and women are not given an opportunity to join the primary sector, which makes up our landscape and our identity.”
Job. For Oramas, “we have a very serious problem with employment, much more worrying with our young people.” The commitment acquired by CC is “to promote Vocational Training that responds to the demands of the sectors” and that promotes the recycling of labor so that “they continue living in their places of residence”.
Tourism. The nationalist deputy appreciated that the regional and insular governments “have abandoned the North to its fate in terms of tourism. In addition, when you know, we know how to do it well, a sustainable development with our natural environment, which is an indisputable attraction. And she referred to the Puerto de la Cruz Urban Rehabilitation Consortium, a “tool” from which “they have taken away powers and reduced the budget from 10 million to 866,000 euros. We are committed to reactivating it.”