The question about how much sex has been had in the last month is one of the common questions that david broncano on your show “The resistance” to all the guests who pass through the sofa of the program. Some digress when answering, others give approximate figures and there are those who have the exact calculation. The grace of the irreverent format of the program is precisely in that predicament and in the reactions of the public. But what would you answer if they asked you that question?
If you were to face one TV camera, responding would be more committed, but anonymity is supposed to guarantee sincerity. Therefore, the answer to this type of question in a survey can be somewhat more credible. And if that were so, The Canary Islands do not do very well in the national ranking.
Below the national average
According to the latest Study on Sexual Habits 2023, carried out by the Erotic Academy, the Canarian population has an average of 7.53 sexual relations per month, a figure that is somewhat below the national average (7.66 times per month). month) and very far from the leaders: people from La Rioja state that they have sex an average of 11.25 times a month.
In fact, the Canary Islands Autonomous Community it ranks among the regions with less frequency, only above Navarra, Catalonia, Aragon, Madrid and the Balearic Islands. And by provinces? According to this survey, the inhabitants of the eastern islands have more sexual relations.
Specifically, the study places Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the thirteenth province with less frequency of sexual relations, with 7.21 per month. In the palmsthe figure is even close to 8 (7.8 times a month).
The study, carried out last March, was based on a sample of 3,440 people between the ages of 18 and 60 who were asked about different issues related to their sexual habits.
sexual practices
Among them, it should be noted that at least one in four lucky people almost always reaches orgasm, while the rest only half the time (hopefully) or never.
Regarding some sexual practices, 91% confirmed that they usually resort to oral sex and almost half spend at least 15 minutes on tasks other than penetration. The study also asks about places to have sex and the bedroom continues to win, with 70% of the answers.
The infidelities They are also common: one in four people admits having cheated on their partner and the average age at which Spaniards lose their virginity is 17 years. Men usually have their first sexual relationship before women.