A total of 6,019 of the 22,603 registered people have participated until 2:00 p.m. in the elections for the Rectorate of the University of La Laguna that are being held today, Thursday, in electronic format, which represents an average participation of 26.63%, according to data from the General Electoral Commission.
When analyzing the participation by sectors, a large increase in participation can be seen with respect to the previous rectoral elections, held in 2019. Thus, in the sector of PhD professors with permanent links, 707 people have already voted, equivalent to 71.63%. of the total. In comparison, the participation at this same time in 2019 in this sector was 49.47%.
In the student sector, 4,486 people (22.33%) have already voted, compared to the 5.85% that had done so in the previous elections at this same time. In fact, in this sector in particular, this partial participation is already higher than the total registered in 2019, which at the close of the polls was 11.89%.
In the administration and services personnel sector, the vote of 467 people (61.29%) has been registered so far, which stands out from the 49.94% of the previous elections. Finally, in the non-permanent teaching staff sector, 359 voters (47.17%) have already exercised their right to vote, compared to 28.82% in 2019.
As was already verified in the elections for the partial renewal of the student body of the Senate that were held in November 2022, telematic voting offers greater facilities for those who wish to exercise their democratic right and this results in greater participation.
The final results will be known starting at 7:00 p.m. today, when the virtual ballot box closes and the counting and weighting of the votes is carried out according to the percentages that correspond to each sector.