The candidate for the Presidency of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, presented this Wednesday the team of women and men who will help “the Canary Islands move forward after four years of failures by the Government of Ángel Víctor Torres” and that “they have been disastrous for the Islands due to the lack of management and responses to the pandemic, the volcanic eruption on La Palma or the situation experienced by thousands of Canarian families who cannot make ends meet due to inflation”.
Accompanied by José Miguel Barragán, Beatriz Calzada and Sergio Rodríguez, who succeed him in positions 2, 3 and 4 on the regional list with which the Canarian nationalists will contest the Local and Regional Elections to be held on May 28, Fernando Clavijo was convinced that the Canarian Coalition “is the only government alternative.”
The candidate for the Presidency highlighted some of the measures that may be implemented in the first hundred days of the Government, including a specific tax cut to alleviate the burden borne by Canarian families. Precisely, Fernando Clavijo maintained that there are measures “that cannot continue to be postponed because the reality is that thousands of Canaries and Canaries are today at the limit and do not make it to the end of the month.”
In the same way, she recognized that despite the lack of measures on the part of the State, which does apply in the rest of the territories, “we are not going to wait for Madrid to solve our problems; we are going to solve them, this team of women and men, because we know how to do it and because families can no longer wait for the Government of the Canary Islands or Spain to lend their hand”.
Precisely, Clavijo rejected the increase in collection by the Government of the Canary Islands. “The Government of Ángel Víctor Torres is taking advantage of the rise in prices to collect more than ever while the Canary Islands lose disposable income,” said Clavijo, who indicated that today a family with an average income in the Canary Islands is 17% poorer than a year ago and you are having difficulty paying your mortgage, paying your bills, or making a purchase.
This is one of the axes on which the nationalists focus their program to change the Canary Islands in the first hundred days of the Government and which is accompanied by measures “with which to place the Canaries at the center of the system, making them recover income available, restoring the quality of essential public services and guaranteeing the defense of the singularities of the Canary Islands”.
For this, the candidate for the Presidency of the Canary Islands has proposed, in addition to temporarily lowering taxes, to implement bonuses and incentives to boost and transform the economy, to place the Canaries at the center of public and social policies , as well as defended a new government structure adapted to the new challenges of the Canary Islands and maintaining a permanent strategy in Madrid and Brussels to guarantee the defense of the singularities of the Canary Islands.
Fernando Clavijo emphasized that the Canary Islands Coalition “represents the only alternative for a Government that thinks and puts the Canary Islands above all else. We have shown it in the Government, but also in the Opposition where we have managed to make great achievements for this land that they gave for lost the president, Ángel Víctor Torres and his Government”, among them, he referred to the free buses and the tram for the Canary Islands and the Canary Islands, the 60% bonus in personal income tax for palm trees and palm trees or the Reconstruction Plan for La Palma consigned in the General State Budget for 2023.
In this sense, he pointed out that the Government of the Pact of Flowers “has not only failed to manage” and gave as an example the increase in health waiting lists with 1,000 million euros more or the response they have given to those affected by the volcano of La Palma to which “not only are known as containers of shame given as a housing response to those who lost their homes, but we have seen these days how those containers have already begun to deteriorate”.
The regional list of the Canary Islands Coalition for the appointment with the polls on May 28 headed by Fernando Clavijo is made up of José Miguel Barragán, Beatriz Calzada, Sergio Rodríguez, Sandra Rodríguez, David Ramos, Gerardo Vera, Carmen Medina, Verónica Messeguer, and as substitutes, Carmen Márquez, Miguel Ángel Clavijo and Roberto Almeida.