the youth of Tenerife They show their “misunderstanding” of sexist violence. In fact, they get to confuse it with a toxic couple relationship. It is the main conclusion of the first phase of the Plan for the Prevention of Gender Violence in the young population that the Cabildo presented yesterday. Their results reveal “the need to reformulate the training that is given in schools and institutes” and “to educate in equality from much earlier ages.” This diagnosis highlights that “psychological violence is the most suffered between the ages of 16 and 20” although it is not identified with gender violence.
The work was carried out throughout the four years of the current mandate. Issues such as the deprivation of going with friends, control over clothing or through WhatsApp are not valued as gender violence, but as a “toxic relationship”. A large number of young people also do not know where to turn to denounce, despite all the talks, programs, campaigns or initiatives that are proposed from educational centers .
The Cabildo de Tenerife presented yesterday the first phase of the so-called Plan for the Prevention of Gender Violence in Preadolescents, Adolescents and Young People, the first in Canary Islands.
This initial phase consisted of preparing a diagnosis of the situation of these population groups with respect to gender violence. Among the conclusions, it stands out that the young population does not fully understand the concept and does not know where to go to report it.
To carry out this work, 824 surveys were completed, 412 to pre-adolescents and another 412 to direct or indirect intervention agents, as well as to other professionals.
The research project organized 209 talks on equality and prevention of gender violence in educational centers in Tenerife to reach 1,700 students from all over the island.
The event was attended by the councilors for Social Action, Marián Franquet, and the delegate for Equality and Prevention of Gender Violence, Priscila de Lion; as well as with the coordinator of Equality, Prevention and Fight against Gender Violence of the Insular Institute of Social and Socio-sanitary Care (IASS), María José Pestana Yanes.
Pestana valued the work done: “Between 2021 and 2022 we culminated 209 talks on equality and prevention to reach more than 1,700 students”. In addition, he explained, that “we have launched actions with teachers, exhibitions, workshops, programs, theatrical performances, meetings, awareness campaigns and training courses for the island’s municipalities, but it is important to get to the root.”
Field work
The diagnosis included the participation and collaborative work of the young people themselves and professionals from public and private entities that intervene with this population group. Specifically, 824 surveys were carried out. 412 to preadolescents and adolescents from schools, young people in youth houses and students of the ULL between 11 and 20 years old, and 412 surveys of direct or indirect intervention agents, as well as other professionals in the educational, cultural, youth, sports and equality fields.
Marián Franquet and Priscila de León; presented the results of this diagnosis on the situation of pre-adolescents, adolescents and young people regarding gender violence. The conclusion is that there is still a long way to go. From the field work it can be deduced that the young population does not fully understand the concept of gender violence and, furthermore, does not know where to go to report it if they end up suffering it.