The animation and special effects studio Atlantis Animation settled in the capital of Tenerife in 2019 and is recognized for having produced the first cartoon series made entirely in the Canary Islands and sold to Disney, Tara Duncan. Atlantis Animation was responsible for carrying out the production from start to finish, from storyboard and design to final delivery.
Tara Duncan It has a total of 52 episodes, based on Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian’s novels about a young woman who has magical powers, and it is the reason why the studio, originally from France, decided to settle in Santa Cruz. In this sense, the taxation of the Canary Islands Special Zone allowed them to adjust to the production needs of Tara Duncanand from there, continue leading and participating in different animation projects.
The mayor of the city, José Manuel Bermúdez, visited the studios on Thursday accompanied by the CEO of the Development Society, Alfonso Cabello; the CEO of Atlantis Animation, Raúl Carbo; and Bernard Lonis, president of the Zona Centro business association.
“The investment of companies in the audiovisual sector in Santa Cruz is already a reality and it is that we gather enough incentives for quality of life so that these companies come to work with projects that are already succeeding internationally”, to which Bermúdez He added “we are talking about a sector that has one of the most demanded professions in our city, so we need to create training centers and, always, hand in hand with these companies”.
For his part, the CEO of Atlantis Animation, Raúl Carbo, thanked the mayor for his visit and the welcome to establish his company in the city “to which we came for its incentives and for the talent and energy that exists in the animation sector . A few French families came here four years ago and we have recruited a lot of Canarian people to become 200 people in a production for Disney”.
Atlantis Animation It currently has about 70 permanent employees, some of them remotely and others in the entity’s offices, located in the Castillo street area. However, for productions like Tara Duncan there were up to 200 workers.
Another of the productions in which he is currently participating is the fifth season of Miraculous: Ladybug’s Adventures, an animated series in which two Parisian teenagers transform into superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir to protect the city from supervillains. On this occasion, working on the animation, lighting, rendering and composition sections.
Likewise, since it settled in the capital of Tenerife, Atlantis Animation has participated in the production of Ennie & Yoyki, another cartoon series that in this case follows the life of a kitten and a raccoon. A production for which they have also contributed their knowledge in terms of animation, lighting, rendering and composition.
The audiovisual sector has established itself in Santa Cruz as one of the main generators of employment, since in February audiovisual recording technicians ranked as the fourth profession with the greatest weight in the municipality in terms of hiring, and productions such as Tara Duncan they will continue to favor the generation of employment in different areas of audiovisual production.