The complaints for gender violence registered in the judicial bodies of the Canary Islands during the past year 2022 increased by 8.4% compared to 2021 because if two years ago the courts of the islands had registered 9,002 complaints for sexist violence, in 2022 the number It was 9,757 (755 more), according to data released this Friday by the Observatory against Domestic and Gender Violence of the General Council of the Judiciary.
However, the increase in sexist crime in the Canary Islands is lower than that registered in the entire national territory, where the number of complaints increased by 11.8% in the year-on-year comparison.
From the TSJC they point out in a note that between 2020 and 2021 the
The number of complaints for sexist violence had grown in the archipelago by 0.9%, but between 2021 and 2022 this increase rose to 8.4%, that is, by 7.5 percentage points.
According to the report of the governing body of judges, the number of women victims of gender violence also increased last year on the islands, compared to 2021, going from 8,971 to 9,721, which means 750 more, a percentage increase identical to the number of complaints, 8.4%.
According to official data, the Canary Islands registered a rate of 88.2 women victims of gender violence for every 10,000 women last year, the fourth highest in the State after the Balearic Islands (110.3), Murcia (103.4 ) and the Valencian Community (95.6).
The data represents an increase of 6.6 points with respect to the ratio of the previous year, although the ranking of communities most punished by sexist violence remained unchanged.
The national average was 72.9 women victims of sexist violence for every 10,000 women, 15.3 points below the Canarian ratio.
The Observatory report offers more data such as that of the 9,721 women victims of violence in the Canary Islands, 7,573 were Spanish (26 of them minors) and 2,148 foreigners.
In addition, a total of 1,204 of the victims took refuge during the
processing of the process to waive the obligation to testify against their alleged attacker, 24% more than in the previous year, when 971 women had not confirmed the complaints.
During the past year, the Canarian judicial bodies that tried cases of gender violence handed down 2,690 convictions (6.7% more than in 2021), 216 acquittals (4.4% less than in the previous year), 445 free dismissal orders (-14.1%) and 3,415 provisional dismissal orders (+12.4%).
The percentage of convictions was 92.6% (+0.9%) and the termination by provisional dismissal was 88.5% (3.6% more than in the previous year).
As regards people prosecuted, last year there were 2,927 who sat on the bench in the Canary Islands for sexist crimes (3.9% more than in 2021), with 92.1% being convicted (0.6% more than in 2021), of which 2,089 were Spanish citizens and 607 foreigners.
Regarding protection orders, the Canary Islands courts registered 1,854 requests last year, 1.2% less than in 2021.
Of these, the courts did not reject any, they adopted 1,329 (8.2% less than in 2021) and denied 525 (+30.6%).
For the third year, the Observatory’s study offers data broken down by islands in such a way that last year, in Fuerteventura, 741 complaints of crimes of violence against women were registered; in Gran Canaria, 5,022; in Lanzarote, 555; in El Hierro, 20; in La Gomera, 41; in La Palma 387, and in Tenerife, 4,332.
In the vast majority of cases, crimes of
injuries and mistreatment.