The second installment of the saga The Rings of Powerthe prequel to Lord of the Ringsit is already filmed in Tenerife. Amazon Studios is shooting already in the Teide National Park this series based on the work of JRR Tolkien.
The direction has left the places of New Zealand, protagonists of both The Rings of Power as of the Lord of the Rings, to end up in Tenerife where he already shoots the exteriors of the second installment in the Teide National Park among other places on the island. The filming team traveled to the United Kingdom at the end of last year to begin the first works of the second installment of the popular saga
The second season of The Rings of Power will continue to explore the Middle Earth in its second agejust as the first part did, transporting us to fantasy places described in the work of JRR Tolkien, although with the updated vision of the new direction of the series.
The first season already ‘connected’ with the Canary Islands
The Rings of Powerthe prequel to The Lord of the rings that is broadcast on Amazon Prime Video keeps more than one surprise in its chapters and some other relationship with Canary Islands. Curiosities, unanswered questions and criticism accompanied the premiere of the series that was intended to be faithful to the saga written by JRR Tolkien and has not left anyone indifferent. Those who get carried away by immersing themselves in an immense world of fantasy without having read her books are also divided among those who have criticized her for introducing black actors into civilizations such as those of the elves or the one of the hairy due to a purely genetic plot inconsistency and because it would be impossible for some of those very small towns to have racial differences, and those who allow themselves to be immersed in a fantastic world without going beyond the mere enjoyment of the series. But among those who have read Tolkien’s work, the criticism is sharp and merciless.
In the sixth episode of the first season, under the title of udunwe attended the eruption of a volcano in the Southlands. Charlotte Brandströmdirector of the chapter, has explained to Variety (via CBR) that his team was inspired by the eruption of the Tajogaite volcano, on the island of La Palma, to give the natural catastrophe more realism.
Brandström has revealed that filming and planning this sequence was something really complexsince “it tried to reflect a certain realism within the magic of a fantastic and epic show like this.” The director of this chapter argues that, one way or another, “one of the biggest challenges was presenting the birth of Mount Doom as something epic and plausible.” It was the fruit of an enormous amount of hard work that made us mix special and visual effects of all kinds, stunts performed by specialists and a lot of extra work by the team”, he says.
“We were in all the volcanic eruptions that you can imagine”, explained to Variety the movies. “Since the eruption of Pompeii, which happened in New Zealand a few years ago, and the eruption of the La Palma volcano, in the Canary Islands on September 19, 2021“, he concluded.