The mayoress of El Tanque, Esther Morales (PSOE)confirms that the six cleaners in the CEIP Miguel de Cervanteslaid off in December, will be able to get their jobs back in the service award process, which is already underway. The Northern City Council has put out to tender the cleaning of this public school for a period of four years with a budget of 332,000 euros. The specifications require the subrogation of all staff with the same economic conditions and seniority.
Morales points out that the tanker Consistory recently published in the State Contracting Platform tender for cleaning service CEIP Miguel de Cervantes for a period of two years, extendable for an additional two years. “The Government Group of The tank (PSOE) will outsource the cleaning service of the educational center, forcing the winning company to subrogate the affected personnel, scrupulously respecting their salaries, categories and seniority. We offered and offer a legal legal alternative so that the workers affected by the dismissal of the Clece SA company can recover their jobs”, he highlights.
For the mayoress, her government “has mobilized huge unforeseen budgetary resources in record time, has approved the corresponding economic study and has called an emergency tender to resolve an absolutely electoral controversy technically endorsed by the legal and economic services”. After the controversy sparked by these layoffs at the end of 2022, Morales stresses that “we complied with the pact that was offered to the workers and the unions and we regret the irresponsible attitude of certain people who have been politicizing and misrepresenting this matter for absolutely electoral purposes”.
The economic offers will be opened next Monday
The six workers of the cleaning service Early Childhood and Primary Education Center (CEIP) Miguel de Cervantesin The tankthey lost their jobs at the educational center, where they provided services through an external company, in some cases for 23 years. The affected workers considered that they had been “left lying around”. The dismissal occurred on December 31, 2022 after the Ministry of Educationafter providing the cleaning service of the educational center for more than a decade, through an external company, informed the council that it was no longer providing it.
He Tanker Town Hall It then undertook to start a public bidding process in which the winning company would be forced to subrogate the staff. While that materializes, the consistory is in charge of the cleaning tasks with own staff.
The period for submitting bids has already closed and it is expected that economic offers open next Monday 27.