The General Directorate of Relations with the Administration of Justice, a center attached to the Ministry of Public Administrations, Justice and Security, has completed the installation of all the recording equipment of the Arconte-Áurea system in the 210 hearing and multipurpose rooms that are the object of the deployment of the judicial bodies of the autonomous community.
The implementation of this integrated and state-of-the-art recording system throughout the Canary Islands, for an amount of 7,084,111.55 euros from European funds, solves the problems derived from the coexistence of two differentiated systems, as was the case up to now, and makes it possible to have of a unified model in all judicial districts, simple and operative, for the recording, storage and management of all the information generated in judicial acts, improving, at the same time, the quality and security of the recordings, by preventing them from being produced rulings that may lead to annulment of evidence or repetition of trials or hearings.
For example, among its functions, Arconte-Aurea allows the system to automatically check the operation of the equipment. The device itself warns if during the recording the sound stops entering so that no error occurs and thus avoid possible cancellations of tests.
In addition, with Arconte-Áurea professionals can download all the recordings made of a procedure in which they have intervened, accessing the private area of the electronic judicial headquarters of the Canary Islands, In the near future, with the full implementation of the electronic judicial file and with the precise regulatory framework, non-professional individuals will also be able to access and download the recordings.
Said recordings have a marking or index of the interventions that take place during the judicial act, which facilitates and speeds up their subsequent search for lawyers, magistrates and other people if they need to access that documentation. The system also allows content to be converted to text to allow indexed search by words, positioning, subtitling and other advanced functions.
The installation of the equipment has been carried out in two phases. In the first, Arconte 1 was replaced by Arconte-Áurea in all hearing and multi-purpose rooms of the City of Justice in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. In the second, in the rest of the judicial bodies of the Archipelago.
According to the general director of Relations with the Administration of Justice, Mónica Ceballos, this deployment has been technically complex, not only because it coincided with the pandemic, which increased the need for recording and videoconference systems, but also because of compliance with Covid-19 regulations. For all these reasons, the substitution of one system for another has been an arduous process, in which an attempt has been made to cause the least disturbance to the functioning of the Justice Administration, she added.
The replacement has entailed the training of the officials of this Administration, who have made an effort to adapt to the change, especially the judicial aid body, which Ceballos wanted to emphasize, who stressed that thanks to his collaboration there have been few incidents.