The seven groups of the Parliament of the Canary Islands have unanimously approved this Friday, and at the proposal of the Nationalist Group, to request the Hearing of Accounts to prepare an audit report on the hiring carried out by the autonomous community during the covid-19 pandemic.
The spokesman for the Nationalist Group, José Miguel Barragán, has commented that although the Intervention of the Autonomous Community and the Audit Court itself have already analyzed the contracting, it is good to “provide more transparency” because during the pandemic there were many decree laws, both from the Government regional and central, to make hiring “more agile”, hence now is a good time to increase supervision.
Vidina Espino, spokesperson for the Mixed Group, believes that it is necessary “to know how hiring was done during the pandemic”, even more so when the House has been prevented from creating an investigation commission into the ‘mask case’.
He has said that it is necessary to know if there were “more irregularities” during that stage, among other things because the draft report of the Hearing of Accounts was not approved despite the fact that its conclusions were sent to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Court of Auditors.
Melodie Mendoza (ASG) believes that it is necessary to “fine-tune” what type of contracts you want to audit because the pandemic affected all the management centers of the autonomous community and although it will be “arduous and complicated” work, she believes that the Hearing of Accounts “will be up to the task.”
However, he believes that there will be “no irregularity” in the contracting of masks.
Francisco Déniz, from Sí Podemos, has justified his group’s refusal to support an investigation commission because the ‘mask case’ “is prosecuted” and although pandemic hiring has already been audited, he sees it as “pertinent” that they be reviewed again .
Esther González, from Nueva Canarias (NC), has commented that the Court of Accounts has already audited the contracts “and in no case” was her report approved by the groups that support the Government, but rather a lack of agreement on the conclusions on the principles of accounting responsibility.
He has stressed that the result of a new report “will be the same” because the “same thing will be audited twice” and it will be a “waste of time”, but they have supported requesting another to avoid the “image of false transparency” pursued by the Nationalist Group.
Fernando Enseñat, from the Popular Group, has commented that they are always “in favor of transparency”, especially during the pandemic, when the government “was more lax” with hiring and in some cases, “nobody knew anything”.
He also recalled that the groups of the ‘Pact of Flowers’ rejected the creation of a commission to investigate the ‘mask case’ and even “the opposition was silenced” in plenary session of Parliament.
He has regretted that the report of the Court that warned of accounting responsibility in the contract of the ‘mask case’ has been blocked and that it is argued, as is now the case in the ‘Mediator case’, that “nothing was known”. “The saddest thing is the image that the Government is giving,” he stressed.
Pedro Viera (PSOE) has agreed with the rest of the groups that pandemic recruitments have already been audited and even the conclusions of the draft report from the Hearing have been referred to the Court of Accounts, but given that “moments hard and difficult”, it is good that hiring continues to be monitored.