Up to nine different points, distributed in four of the five districts of Santa Cruz, are under surveillance of the special operation that has been launched by the Department of Public Services to apply the new ordinance of waste management in relation to article 11 that prohibits the deposit of waste on streets and sidewalks, and also articles 25 and 27, related to the abandonment of belongings and debris. This was announced by the councilor for the area, Carlos Tarife, who indicates that both the Local Police and the Public Services inspectors are part of this operation, which aims to enforce the new ordinance. The mayor recalls that this new rule can penalize offenders with up to 2,500 euros for leaving the garbage outside the containers when they are empty.
Three of the points to be monitored are located in the Salud-La Salle district. Specifically, on the Juan Ramón Jiménez, Miguel Hernández and Camino La Hermita roads. In these enclaves, both the garbage deposit outside the containers and the abandonment of rubble will be monitored.
Two other points are located in the Southwest district; Specifically, on Avenida Luis Celso García, one at number 5 in an ascending direction, and the other next to the soccer field.
In Centro-Ifara there is only one location that is being monitored, and it is Valentín Sanz street on the corner with Castillo street; specifically, special attention is paid to containers buried at that point.
The last three locations are located in the Ofra-Costa Sur district. Thus, in Víctor Monjuy street, in the final part of the car park, compliance with article 11 will be monitored; while on La Piconera roads, at number 7, and Anatolio Fuentes García, at the intersection with Calle 301, special attention will be paid, in addition to leaving garbage out of the containers, to abandoning belongings and debris in full street.
public services
This operation had been announced by Public Services even before the ordinance was approved, and the fact is that the inspectors had already detected points in the capital where, systematically, there are people who leave the garbage outside the containers, whether they are full or not, announcing last November that, as soon as the new ordinance was approved, this surveillance would be launched.
As the mayor of Public Services explained at the time, “I can give an example of neighbors who behave in an uncivil manner, as in Azorín, where there is a group that considers it appropriate to leave garbage bags on the ground, outside the container, just as there are another group in Los Gladiolos. So up to eight points in different parts of the city where we have identified these behaviors”.
The new cleaning ordinance entered into force on January 18. Since then, uncivil behaviors such as those described have seen the penalties increase, going from 150 euros to 2,500 euros.