The unemployment it reached the lowest figures of the last fifteen years in the municipality of Arona. According to data provided by the Canary Islands Employment Observatory (Obecan), which includes both registered unemployment and the Active Population Survey (EPA), 2022 concluded with 5,933 unemployed iron workers. A number that the municipal government considers relevant because it falls below 6,000 unemployed.
To find a comparable figure, one would have to go back to 2007, the year before the first major economic crisis of the century. It should be borne in mind that in the period of time since then the population census of Arona has increased by more than 30,000 inhabitants (it stands at over 100,000 people), which means a notable increase in the active population and, therefore, in jobseekers. Even so, the number of unemployed has fallen significantly in absolute and percentage terms, emphasizes the government group.
In December 2022, and according to these data from the strategic planning instrument for employment, the number of people officially seeking employment was 5,933. That is, an unemployment rate of 14.87% (the lowest in the last fifteen years), with a drop of 2.3% compared to November and 20.3% compared to the same month in 2021.
In the computation, Arona has become the second municipality with more than 40,000 inhabitants in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife with a lower unemployment rate, only surpassed by Adeje and ahead of others such as Granadilla de Abona.
in progress
It should be remembered that these data ratify the progression that employment has recorded in Arona since mid-2021. Already between the months of July of that year and that of 2022, “Arona cut the unemployment figures by 41.4%”. local.
In addition, last year more than 260 unemployed aroneros benefited from municipal social plans aimed at incorporating people with more difficulties in finding a job or especially vulnerable groups into the labor market. All of them had this opportunity through the Extraordinary Social Employment Program (PEES), as well as the so-called Training Plans in Alternation with Employment (PFAE) and Youth Guarantee.