Lights, cameras and action. The Carnival contests dedicated to New York were officially inaugurated on Thursday night with the celebration of the first phase of children’s murgas.
With a fairground practically empty except for the front part of the stage, as has been the case for years, the first date of the murgueros younger, who were able to enjoy their 20-minute performance after so many months of effort.
With the scenery finished in extremis Long Tongues, El Cabito, Redoblones, Distracted, Carricitos and Suffocated performed.
Long Tongues (2003)
Breaking the ice is never easy and the truth is that those from the La Salud market knew how to do it with flying colors when they entered. With somewhat shaky voices at first due to nerves, they introduced themselves talking about their fantasy, inspired by the creatures of the forest. After his presentation, one of the most beautiful parades “I am a different murguero” sounded at the Venue.
In their theme they became photographers to portray the reality they live in and the environment that surrounds them. After contextualizing, they set out to rescue a piece of work that they had been asked for in class with the aim of talking about dialects and defending that it is not something relevant, that “the only thing that matters is communication.” From there they took a leap into the past to talk about the development of the photographs on paper, which they used to criticize the filters and the posturing that is seen on social networks today. They concluded the song by walking through the neighborhoods of Santa Cruz, where the photos were “truly ugly”, thus criticizing the abandonment they suffer.
With a performance that went from less to more, they managed to sign the first performance of 2023 with dignity. In their song, which stood out in some points due to its criticism, the initial approach was lost throughout the song, although they recovered it at the end .
The Cabito (1980)
With very good voices, they began their contest time by remembering what Carnival was like years ago, which they used to highlight that there are fewer and fewer children’s murgas and fewer children in them, concluding: “We all fight together to safeguard the life of my carnival.” .
After the parade, their theme began, in which, as they had already done in their presentation, they traveled to the past to make a comparison between what it was like to be a child in the 80s and today. Among the demands they made was freedom, union and company “problems could be solved in community”. They continued rescuing games like tag or Juan, Periquito and Andrés to reproach that children no longer play in the street and reflect on how new technologies have meant that children spend less and less time together. They concluded by giving a class on values that are learned at Carnival: responsibility, generosity, commitment, tolerance, humility, gratitude and honesty.
Angelita González’s murga strengthened the musical improvement that it began to have last year thanks to the musical assembly of Cristian Mapesi, also a lyricist. In their theme, equal parts nostalgic and critical, they enjoyed what it means to be a child.
Redoubles (2017)
With a slightly more crowded Venue, the winners of the contest arrived in 2022. In their presentation, with masterful voices, they brought shine to their stork fantasy, designed by Josué Quevedo.
After their already traditional parade and their “din, don” they began their theme in the contest, which they presented with a video in which they represented that because they had failed subjects they should stay at their grandfather’s farm instead of going to Disney. The day began at the farm, after getting dressed they began to work feeding the animals. With the melody of “at Pepito’s farm” they described the sounds made by the different animals, which they ingeniously turned into the phrase “today give me a 10”, a message that they sent to the jury. They continued to get serious to compare the garden with life, in which you also have to sow to reap and be careful, concluding that “if a harvest goes wrong, another chance and you sow again.”
The children directed by the charismatic Joel Arias came to revalidate their title with a magical performance in which the child’s critical touch was executed in well-posed lyrics and a clear common thread. His good voices and diction made his song shine more.
Distracted (2006)
Those of Tana Rodríguez arrived from Ofra to begin their performance asking for the freedom of the animals, taking advantage of their fantasy: “Let the chains and cages be eliminated”. After this, the well-known parade of her “a group of friends with murguera blood”.
In their theme Barriológico, written by Airam Bazzochi, they began by criticizing the television stations that do not broadcast the children’s murgas to compare people from Santa Cruz with animals, using irony, wit and criticism. Thus, Bermúdez and Alfonso Cabello became lazy because they are slow and they are lazy, which they used to throw a dart at the councilor for Fiestas: “You must not allow the child murga to die.” They continued with the elders of the pack to talk about grandparents and the respect they deserve before going on to criticize those who bully in schools, squares and fields, comparing them to hyenas. They concluded by taking neighborhood pride for a walk and claiming that the city council should take care of the neighborhoods: “Barriológico is going out at night for a walk and feeling safe.”
Distracted marked a good performance in which the lyrics reigned. After a difficult year they managed to maintain the level of Redoblones based on criticism, wit and irony with constant voices and good diction and staging.
Little Caries (1993)
Turning 30, they came from La Salud to begin their performance asking in their presentation to take care of the quarry: “Without me there is no carnival”, which gave way to their parade.
In their topic, they recounted an afternoon at the fair to tour the different attractions and stalls, which they used to get a lot of money out of different topics. In the little cars they took the opportunity to criticize the drivers, who do not respect the rules of the road or are careful at the wheel, reminding them that “they must be very attentive.” From there they went to the paponazo, where they complained about the uncivil people who sneak into the queues. They finished the theme at the Ferris wheel, from where they saw the Fairgrounds, which reminded them that there are fewer and fewer children’s murgas, conveying the message: “come back now”.
On their anniversary they stood out for their fun, entertaining and childish lyrics that they executed having a good time and enjoying themselves with the public. Although vindicative in terms of the children’s murga contest and the Carnival, their time on stage exuded sympathy.
Suffocated (1984)
From María Jiménez the children of Dulce arrived enjoying their fantasy in their presentation. With compact voices and a lot of strength they performed their parade.
In their theme, dedicated to the figures, they used different visual elements such as rings of lights to give the lyrics a plus, in which they asked for support for the quarry, they recalled the fires to ask for seaplanes and they asked for greater control of bullying in schools: Let’s fight for the welfare of children.” They concluded their theme by honoring parents and grandparents.
With the most complete performance of the night due to its lyrics, good voices, staging and strength, Suffocated put the finishing touch to a good night for the children’s murga contest.