Transportes Interurbanos de Tenerife (Titsa) and Metrotenerife, transport companies of the Cabildo de Tenerife, have registered a total of 87,265 recharges in the monthly transport passes during the first 15 days of free transport, a figure that is almost four times that registered in the same period of the previous year, which placed sales at 22,932.
The first vice president of the Cabildo and president of both transport companies, Enrique Arriaga, explained that the increase in users began to be noticed from the beginning of the free service, but in recent days it has been intensified by the end of the Christmas holidays ” Even so, he assured that the buses and trams “are not collapsing, since the necessary measures are being taken to guarantee the quality of the service.”
Arriaga explained that although all the subscriptions have increased their recharges exponentially, the one that has done so the most is the senior subscription, which has gone from 449 sales in the first fortnight of 2022, to 3,478 during the last fifteen days, a figure that is almost eight times greater.
Following the order of sales, the second that has obtained the greatest growth has been the Canary Islands resident bond that has gone from 6,985 recharges in January 2022, to 38,444 in the last fortnight, 450% more. With similar data, it obtained the season ticket for people with disabilities, which quintupled its sales from 201 to 1,012.
In the case of the youth subscription, which is the one with the lowest increase, it obtained 44,331 recharges since the beginning of the free subscription, which is equivalent to three times the sales of the same period of 2022, which were 15,297.
The insular director of Mobility, José Alberto León, wanted to remind that in Metrotenerife the frequencies of trams have increased at peak times and that Titsa is gradually incorporating new drivers and buses, all with the aim of guaranteeing a good service.
On the other hand, León added that after this first month of application of the rate, those who wish to maintain it must comply with the stipulated number of trips to be considered a frequent user, which is set at 15.
The request for registered tickets for both buses and trams can be made through the TenMas website and has an issuance cost of 5 euros that is paid at the time of collection. To carry out this procedure, a photograph of the user is necessary, as well as one of their identity document on both sides.