The Government Council of the Canary Islands, during its meeting this Thursday, has approved the appointment of José Blanco López as managing director of the Insular-Maternal and Child University Hospital Complex, a center attached to the Ministry of Health, after the dismissal of Alejandra Torres.
Blanco López has a degree and a doctorate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Salamanca and a specialist in Intensive Care Medicine, he has a Higher Diploma in Health Management and Management and a Specialization in Clinical Management.
In addition, he has an Executive Master’s in Business Administration and a university course in Health Management Specialization in Intensive Medicine.
During his professional career he has held different responsibilities in the field of health management and care.
Thus, until now he held the positions of head of the Intensive Medicine service and medical coordinator of Transplants at the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Insular-Materno Infantil and had previously been medical coordinator of transplants at the complex and deputy medical director of the Hospital Universitario Insular de Gran Canaria.
He was also responsible for the Neurotrauma Unit of the Intensive Medicine service of the Dr. Negrín University Hospital of Gran Canaria and assistant doctor of Intensive Medicine in both university hospitals of Gran Canaria, while he served as tutor for Intensive Medicine residents at the Hospital Dr. Negrin.
The government spokesman, Julio Pérez, has indicated at a press conference that the reason for the dismissal of Alejandra Torres is not due so much to a “malfunction” of the complex but to “perfect and improve” a work team and its coordination with the Canarian Health Service (SCS).
He has said that management positions are trustworthy, not through opposition like the service heads, although he has denied that there is “dissatisfaction” or “punishment” towards the previous manager, who has not been dismissed for “incapacity”, but rather rather a “shuffle” of the management team.