Candelaria hopes that this recently launched year will be the definitive one in the promotion of infrastructures that have been in demand for decades by its population, which in this century has gone from 11,000 inhabitants to almost 30,000.
Thus, after the recent presentation of the rehabilitation of the Plaza de la Patrona de Canarias and its surroundings, to be carried out by the Cabildo after a project started in 2010, the Candelaria City Council has awarded the drafting contract for the Auditorium execution project municipal, which will be located in the Rambla Los Menceyes, where it was a bus station and is now a municipal warehouse. The amount of the tender for the project has come out for 164,815 euros.
Great news for culture and music, which the bands of the municipality, Banda Las Candelas and Nueva Banda de Igueste, received from the mayoress, Mari Brito, during the joint concert of both on December 30, and it is that This building supposes to cover a historical demand of the collectives of the municipality, especially of the bands that require a space more in accordance with their current characteristics. “A project that we have pursued for a long time and we hope will soon become a reality”, the mayoress qualified.
The Councilor for Urban Planning, Reinaldo Triviño, points out that the design proposal contemplates that it be a multidisciplinary space, with the capacity to develop music, theater, dance, projections, teaching, concerts and group meetings for rehearsals inside. .
In this regard, the building includes, in addition to the auditorium, complementary services such as changing rooms, dressing rooms and a rehearsal room, as well as two floors for parking with access from Crugiola street with availability of 88 spaces. In the proposal submitted, the winning team of architects estimates that the execution budget will exceed seven million euros. Now, once the contract is signed, which will be done in the next few days, the winning company has a period of five months to present the execution project.
Currently, Candelaria, which has a wide cultural program, has cultural centers in the towns of the midlands, an assembly hall in the Youth Zone and two rooms for concerts and talks in the Old Cinema and the La Villa Cultural Center, very small for the demand for culture that Villa Mariana breathes.
Indoor swimming pool
“We will carry out the drafting of the execution projects for the Municipal Swimming Pool and the Auditorium thanks to the City Council’s savings in recent years,” Mayor Mari Brito said in April.
The drafting of a new project for the construction of the covered Municipal Swimming Pool was already viable, because on that date the final sentence was notified that has fallen in the judicial procedure promoted by one of the companies participating in the tender for this project, which began in 2015 and declared void in 2018 by the City Council, which confirms the municipal agreement and dismisses the company’s claims.
This pool, whose tender for the project will be announced shortly, will be located on the same plot where the previous one was projected, on the Rambla de Los Menceyes, in front of the CEIP Punta Larga y Correos pavilion.