New Canaries (NC) seeks to close between 25 and 30 agreements with local groups to broaden its electoral base with a view to the regional and municipal elections in May. These alliances represent a dozen more than those reached in the 2019 elections, where they had agreements with some twenty municipal groups. The main bet of the new agreements are directed fundamentally to the island of Tenerifewhere NC has less roots due to the strong implantation of Canarian Coalition.
According to the NC Organizing Secretary, Carmelo RamirezThey are already in negotiations with between eight and ten formations from the western capital island. However, they calculate that they will present themselves to 75 of the 88 municipalities, due to the fact that the training, with implementation mainly in Gran Canarialacks local organization in municipalities of the islands of La Palma or Tenerife. “What we don’t do are artificial lists”, Ramírez exposes candidly.
The organization will formalize all the agreements at the end of January to launch the electoral race
The agreements are going from strength to strength and they will present them all to end of January or beginning of February. Among those closed are Ando Sataute, in Santa Brígida, Forum Drago, in Ingenio, or Local Alternative in Antigua, but they prefer not to advance all the alliances that are being forged in case the negotiations break down at the last minute. Apart from these formations with which they will reach agreements to run electorally, they continue to present themselves with organizations that are integrated in NC, such as the Rura Nationalist Bloche, in Gáldar, Roque Aguayro, in Agüimes, or Alternative for San Mateo, among other parties.
New Intent Canary IslandsTherefore, it is not only to repeat results on islands in the eastern province where they are more established and broaden their social base, but also to reach the western province hand in hand with local groups, especially in Tenerife as it is an island decisive from the demographic point of view.
Apart from these consolidated or new municipal alliances, they will be presented to the seven councils, to the main cities of the Islands and to the Parliament under the brand of Nueva Canarias. the tagline Canarian Block, that they adopted before recovering their name before the courts after the dispute with the Ministry of the Interior that removed them from the party registry, is going to gain strength, Ramírez maintains.
municipal governments
Right now they are governing, between mayors and municipal groups, in 25 local institutions, as in the palms of Gran Canaria, Telde, Santa Lucía, Gáldar, Agüimes, Valsequillo, Hermigua, Valle Gran Rey, Tacoronte, San Sebastián de La Gomera, Arrecife or Puerto del Rosario, in addition to the bastion of this party that is the Council of Gran Canariawith Antonio Morales in front, who will repeat as a candidate, and the Vice Presidency and Ministry of Finance of the canarian governmentwith Roman Rodriguez in his direction, and that he will also renew his candidacy for the Presidency of the Executive. And another classic Pedro Quevedo, it will do so to the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
And what do they predict for the Canarian Parliament? Their analyzes predict between five (those they have now) and seven deputies. They are optimistic, therefore, and hope to reissue the flower pact, with the PSOE, the Agrupación Socialista Gomera (ASG) and Podemos, although the prospects for the purple formation are not so good. The fractures in Podemos, like the march of the councilor Javier Doreste or the national deputy alberto rodriguezsuggest that they will drop in deputies but, according to Ramírez, with the increase that the PSOE and Nueva Canarias will have This decrease will be “neutralized” and they see it as possible to renew the quadripartite.
The party will influence the campaign in that it is the voice of the Islands and in that it will make progressive alliances
What they do flatly reject is nationalist unity with Canarian Coalition in these regional, local and insular elections. The general ones are something different, where there can always be agreements against the State, but for them CC lists to the right.
In fact, NC is going to influence the campaign that the Canaries need their own voice in all institutions, with training that is not subject to centralist organizationsand, on the other hand, that given the situation of uncertainty that exists in the Islands due to the pandemic or other vicissitudes, the solution is “always support progressive governments.” And precisely this last slogan is the one with which they want to differentiate themselves from the CC, which also defends that it is a nationalist party of obedience to the Canary Islands and not Madrid, but opts more for an agreement with the PP, Ramírez maintains. In any case, he recognizes that his only red line to agree is with Vox.
More self-government and Statute, before May
Nueva Canarias (NC) will intensify the self-government agenda in the new session in Parliament, the last of the X Legislature, before the call for elections next May. In this regard, the parliamentary spokesman for NC, Luis Campos, mentions, among other issues that his group will address to achieve this objective, the entry of the Canarian community in the management of airports, in the scope of negotiations with the Administration of the Condition. For Luis Campos, the development of the 2018 Statute in the sphere of local responsibilities is distinguished by the “efficient” implementation of the Citizenship Income, key to continuing on the path of reducing levels of poverty and greater cohesion on the islands. Campos points out that the “consolidation” of economic growth, reflected in the strength of employment, will be essential, in addition to completing the opinions of the study commissions on the demographic challenge, immigration and sports and physical activity. A period, adds the spokesman, in which the processing of laws such as the one that modifies the land, the one for youth, to organize a public cultural system, for animal welfare and for the Presidency and the Government, among others, will be completed. . NC insists that it will intensify the agenda of self-government of the Archipelago and that of the development of the Statute in those matters specific to the community and in the claim for the assumption of new ones. | LP/DLP