The City Hall of Los Realejos offers this year paid internships to a total of 24 college students. Starting this Monday, January 2, 12 Realejero students between the ages of 17 and 25, enrolled in the University of La Laguna and without employment, they have begun a stage of training and work in libraries and municipal study rooms. These scholarships are awarded by the Consistory annually, in two semester batchesso that these 12 are the beneficiaries of the aid for the first semester of 2023.
On the morning of this Tuesday the 3rd, the mayor of Los Realejos, Adolfo González (PP)and the Councilor for Education, Carmen Rosa Perez (PP), received the first dozen scholarship students in the Plenary Hall in 2023, who will complete their training and internships until the end of June. From July to December it will be the turn of the second group of 12 students.
For the realejero mayor, “this initiative, already consolidated, meets the improvement of training in library science and sociocultural animation and the general curriculum of young people from The Realejossupports them financially with a monthly aid of 348 euros for 6 months, and substantially improves the provision of services to citizens, since these university students reinforce care in the municipal library network and its study roomsin addition to other social and cultural infrastructures”.
“The City Hall of Los Realejos allocates 63,554 euros to this action, supervised by the Local Development Agency and the Department of Education, whose bases are published in the last months of the immediately preceding year, with evaluation criteria on whose objective evaluation the beneficiaries of the annual call are determined ”, he explained Carmen Rosa Perez.
Each student receives a monthly aid of 348 euros for 6 months
The practices will be developed both in Viera y Clavijo Municipal Librarysuch as the Rafael Yanes Study Room in San Agustín and the libraries of La Cruz Santa, the CEIP Toscal Longuera, the Palo Blanco Social Center and the CEO La Pared in Icod el Alto, as well as in the offices of the Municipal House of Culture.
The training itinerary is made up of different modules and units, such as information and training for library users, management of the library collection in terms of organization and maintenance, the library loan service and cultural and library extension, which is added to the module of non-labor professional practices.
The Canarian Association for the Promotion of Social Development Generation 21awarded the training project whose tender promoted the City Hall of Los Realejospresented, among other improvements in its offer, complementing training modules on equal opportunities, environmental awareness and job orientation, or developing actions, programs and activities in library spaces to promote citizen participation in reading animation.