Said agreement will allow the approval of the generic rules that will govern the specific bases of the public calls for the entry, by the turn of free access, of the 136 positions for ICHH’s own workforce subject to the stabilization process of temporary employment of a structural and permanent nature. A stabilization process that the ICHH must undertake during the years 2023 and 2024 in order to comply with the provisions of Law 20/2021, of December 28, on urgent measures to reduce temporary employment in public employment.
It results in the improvement of the service
The agreement, ratified by the Board of Directors This Wednesday, December 28, it was previously signed by the president of the ICHH, Teresa Gutiérrez Izquierdo, the presidents of the works councils of Las Palmas, Sandra Sosa Ojeda, and of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Daniel Quintero Martín.
During the signing, Teresa Gutiérrez thanked “the works councils for the involvement and effort made to reach an agreement in a timely manner”so that stabilization processes can start as soon as possible.
“This process of job stabilization of our staff will undoubtedly result in a improvement of the public service that is already provided at the Banco de Sangre de CanariasGutierrez said.