The City Council of La Laguna has put out to tender a contract for the provision of the transfer, custody and consultation service of part of the administrative documentation fund of its Municipal Archive, “in order to have an adequate place that has all the measures of security and control, as an urgent measure that solves the problem of space in the City Hall facilities and allows the consultation of the documentation in an agile and efficient manner”, as stated in the specifications published in the Contractor Profile.
Thus, as explained, “the insufficiency of space in the warehouses and facilities of the Municipal Archive makes it necessary to resort to the outsourcing of part of its documentary administrative collection so that the Archive can comply with its obligation to collect and select the documentation annually produced or received by municipal services, thus guaranteeing the normal functioning of document management”.
The Archive currently has a significant volume of documentation in physical format that, “given the lack of personal resources, materials and, above all, space, requires having a company specialized in the management and organization of said documents that allows users their quick consultation, as well as locating them in a suitable place where they can be stored and guarded”, as argued in the statement.
The contract has been put out to tender with a base budget, IGIC included, of 145,780.76 euros and a term of two years, extendable up to a maximum of five years.
The scope of this service includes part of the documentation that up to now is kept in the municipal offices and all of it in the premises of the current successful bidder, deposited in boxes and identified containers.
The service will consist of “loading, transportation, placement, storage, custody and filing work for consultation. The winning company will appoint a person in charge, who will be the interlocutor with the Municipal Archives in everything related to the works described.
30,000 boxes
Likewise, the duration of the transfer of the documentation “may not exceed 45 days from the day after the formalization of the contract. Said documentation is initially estimated at 30,000 filing cabinets or boxes, within 10,000 containers,” the statement specifies, although it notes that “it is possible that there may be new additions during the execution of the contract.”
Specifically, of these 10,000 containers, it is detailed that 2,330, with 7,019 filing cabinets, are in the facilities of the current successful bidder; another 2,880, with 5,611 filing cabinets, in the City Hall, and the new successful bidder will provide 4,790 new empty containers to store 14,370 filing cabinets present in the City Hall facilities.
As for the new location, it must be used exclusively for the custody and management of documents, with independent sectors for each function, and must “be kept in perfect condition, especially with regard to fire and intrusion safety, as well as relative to humidity and insect pests”. In addition, the documentation will be kept in the necessary conditions to guarantee its security, confidentiality and protection of personal data.