The Council of Tenerifethrough the Highways area, starts some emergency works to correct a slope on the TF-5, which is unstable and is located in the municipality of La Victoria de Acentejo, in the Santa Cruz direction. The works will be carried out at night and will require traffic to be diverted.
The First Vice President and Island Councilor for Highways, Enrique Arriaga, explains that the rope access specialists have inspected the slope and consider it necessary to clean it up and reinforce it as soon as possible to avoid possible landslides. In addition, he recalls that “many of the support systems for this type of structure have worn out over the years, so their replacement will make the support more effective.”
Arriaga emphasizes that “the Cabildo works to improve the conditions of the roads and guarantee the safety of its users and for this reason 495,000 euros have been allocated to start these urgent works that will be carried out at night, in an attempt to interfere as little as possible with traffic.
The insular Director of Roads, Tomás Félix García, details that to clean up the slope, it will be cleared, followed by a concrete projection that reinforces its structure and the installation of a wire mesh that prevents possible landslides from falling. in the future”.
These works are located between kilometer points 27 and 27.3 in the direction of Santa Cruz and have an execution period of three months at night, that is, between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. During this hourly section, traffic in the direction of Santa Cruz will be diverted to the island highway TF-217.